Radioactive Debris Coming To West Coast..?

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Jun 18, 2009
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I personally am worried about this, about the current outflow of radioactive water,steam or what have you from Japan, about the long term consequences for the whole world. I agree with Free about the straw that broke the camels back.

The fishing industry is on it's last leg from over fishing, now add radioactive fish. I stopped eating seafood, except kelp for a long time. Just the heavy metals found in the fish here were enough to get me to stop. Now take a culture that depends on fishing, what will happen to them?

If the debris is making it to the west coast, don't ya think the wind currents are too? There is more in the atmosphere then they are letting on. I am not trusting anyone on this, especially the "experts".

ETA: You can find an expert that is downplaying it and you can find an expert who thinks otherwise here online. Any argument can be supported and everyone has their views. Me, I am going by the wind and ocean currents. Dump enough junk in the ocean and it will follow currents and make it around the world and effect EVERYONE.


Crazy Cat Lady
Jul 12, 2008
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Ontario, Canada
I just popped back in momentarily because I happened to have this analysis/opinion piece open this morning and it occurred to me that it might interest those who are very tightly focused on radioactive debris floating to the west coast and so forth. Personally I find the piece to be credible and wide ranging in its projections of the NON-health-related consequences of Fukushima (although to me its conclusion is kind of 'duh' and unencouraging; you might want to stop before the last page LOL).

But since I *did* reopen the thread to post that link, tho, I will comment:

Damummis said:
It is not over. Far from over. None of the reactors are under control. It seems to me that people are forgetting that.
I've pointed that out over and over, on the other threads; certainly no disagreement from me!

Still, seems to me you gotta go with what looks likely at this point, from what is known. In which case, even in the worse-case scenarios of how it could unfold, the neglect of math really *is* an issue in terms of percieved risks.



Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
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Southwick, MA
What info is given to the media is not necessarily the truth. Actually, call me cynical, but I don't believe much of it at all.

Example: Remember the hole in the ozone layer? Caused by the chemicals in aerosol cans? Underarm deodorant sprays?

Scientists actually detonated an H-bomb in the ozone layer over the North Pole to see if it would heal itself. It didn't. It got bigger and moves around. It was not caused by the quest for dry armpits.

This took place in the 60's and the only reason I know about it is that my father worked in a lab with security clearance and had access to journals that the public does not have access to. He read about a lot of frightening stuff that we have been misled about.

It was a silly movie, but it reminds me of the scene in Men In Black when Tommy Lee Jones character tells Will Smith's character that the public can't be told the truth because they are stupid and will overreact, or something like that. A person can be reasonable, PEOPLE are not.



Abinormal Butterfly
Oct 21, 2009
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I'm with Freem. I don't pay any attention to any of it. There's so many lies it's not worth bothering. Just be prepared and when things hit, you deal.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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I think I'm with Abi and Free on this one. How can we believe anything? If something really bad was coming would they truly tell us lest we panic? I dunno.

I think that we will only understand what all happened in Japan in hindsight. At this point, who knows? I think Kev makes a good point and I have been one to support nuclear power over the years, just not in an earthquake zone or tsunami prone region. However this incident does make me rethink my stance and wonder what wretched things we will learn happen to people in Japan after this.

I AM on the west coast and I AM concerned about the quality of our air and water, no matter what science might currently tell us is harmful and what is not. There was a day when intelligent people thought the world was flat, too!

Just sayin.


Sourdough Slave
Oct 30, 2008
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I only read the first page of this thread so far, but I wanted to share a document I found from Physicians for Social Responsibility relating to the recent radioactivity releases.

I found the following interesting:

For example, there are different isotopes of iodine, and the body doesnt care it will use any isotope of iodine when it needs iodine. That is why in a nuclear accident people might take potassium-iodide they fill the bodys need for iodine with safe isotopes and block out the use of unsafe isotopes, like iodine-131.18 Most of the time, however, we cannot easily block absorption of an isotope into our tissues.
Tangentially, I thought it was interesting that the author mentions that he keeps hens. :)


On vacation
Apr 24, 2010
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Pat... No offense taken,we all look at this through our own eyes.I'm not much for mathmatics, science and calculators, trust my gut feelings and observations mostly.
I think the whole Japanese mess will have serious implications for the planet< and lie other here i'm very concerned.Like Free said "this may be the straw that breaks the camels back" As you've mentioned mankind has been destroying the sea for a long time.How much abuse can the planet take...? If you feel this nuke mess in Japan is a drop in the bucket, in the grand scheme of things, thats your right to believe.Look how the Japanese are suffering right now..Their favorite food, fish has been contaminated, the food crops and drinking water is trashed.I never did like anything about nuke power, and no one will ever convince me its safe. Part of my SS plan is to someday move as far as i can from any nuke power.I'm relieved to see others here are very concerned as well...Its amazing how people see things so differently, isn't it..?


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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I still remember how I got cranked on for posting about chernobyl.

Some people are very nonchalant about radiation and the risks, and to me, not very educated, or at least fail to put things together in their heads very well.

This is an excellent article. and I strongly recommed also what was posted here before, the PDF by Physicians for Social Responsibility as a starting point. heres the link again


this video is from a European Nuclear

Re: THAT WAS MASSIVE 9.1 in Japan (Tsunami)
Maryland senior scientist: Very surprised over radioactive iodine-131 findings A fat red bar on graph never seen before

On the lookout for radiation in Maryland, Baltimore Sun, April 4, 2011:
[Emphasis Added]

But on March 23, when the signature of radioactive iodine 131 turned up in an air filter tested in one of the state health labs gamma-ray counters, Abudureheman Abulimiti, a senior scientist in the [Maryland health department] lab, wasnt ready to believe it.

Although the radiation lab has been monitoring the states air and water for decades, this was the first time its current employees too new to recall the Chernobyl meltdown in 1986 had seen a radioactive byproduct from a reactor accident.
I was very surprised, said Abulimiti, whos been there about seven years. I immediately got in contact with my supervisor. Something was going on.
The display is a vertical bar graph, and on March 23, Abulimiti spotted a fat red bar toward the left side of the graph where he had never seen one before. Its energy level identified it as iodine 131. It was unmistakable.,0,5218789.story

Analyses indicate radiation from Japans nuclear fallout has found its way into the California milk supply.

It is time to stop drinking milk if you live in the west coast states, Idaho and likely some other area.. Radioactive iodine will last in the environment for 80 days, with a half life of 8 days...this is not to say that it is safe after 8 days. Do not be deceived. It is not fully disentegrated until 80 days.. not 8 days... it is just much less dangerous after 8 days.. the biggest concern is for children and babies.

Probably time to stop eating meat also and to start relying on some of your stored food if you live in the western areas of the US.

this like has a good report with a study done by Norwegian group with maps of the plume

as long as this crisis in Japan continues fallout will be falling on us.

Christopher Busby is a nuclear radiaiton authority. This is who he is:

I had another video of his where he says it will be worse than Chernobyl on a news report yesterday... lost the link. Hes saying likely that 2 million people will need to be evacuated. (You have a spare room?) Much of northern Japan will be a dead zone as this meltdown continues to invade the earth and water.


Jun 18, 2009
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Mackay said:
I still remember how I got cranked on for posting about chernobyl.

Some people are very nonchalant about radiation and the risks, and to me, not very educated, or at least fail to put things together in their heads very well.

This is an excellent article. and I strongly recommed also what was posted here before, the PDF by Physicians for Social Responsibility as a starting point. heres the link again


this video is from a European Nuclear

Re: THAT WAS MASSIVE 9.1 in Japan (Tsunami)
Maryland senior scientist: Very surprised over radioactive iodine-131 findings A fat red bar on graph never seen before

On the lookout for radiation in Maryland, Baltimore Sun, April 4, 2011:
[Emphasis Added]

But on March 23, when the signature of radioactive iodine 131 turned up in an air filter tested in one of the state health labs gamma-ray counters, Abudureheman Abulimiti, a senior scientist in the [Maryland health department] lab, wasnt ready to believe it.

Although the radiation lab has been monitoring the states air and water for decades, this was the first time its current employees too new to recall the Chernobyl meltdown in 1986 had seen a radioactive byproduct from a reactor accident.
I was very surprised, said Abulimiti, whos been there about seven years. I immediately got in contact with my supervisor. Something was going on.
The display is a vertical bar graph, and on March 23, Abulimiti spotted a fat red bar toward the left side of the graph where he had never seen one before. Its energy level identified it as iodine 131. It was unmistakable.,0,5218789.story

Analyses indicate radiation from Japans nuclear fallout has found its way into the California milk supply.

It is time to stop drinking milk if you live in the west coast states, Idaho and likely some other area.. Radioactive iodine will last in the environment for 80 days, with a half life of 8 days...this is not to say that it is safe after 8 days. Do not be deceived. It is not fully disentegrated until 80 days.. not 8 days... it is just much less dangerous after 8 days.. the biggest concern is for children and babies.

Probably time to stop eating meat also and to start relying on some of your stored food if you live in the western areas of the US.

this like has a good report with a study done by Norwegian group with maps of the plume

as long as this crisis in Japan continues fallout will be falling on us.

Christopher Busby is a nuclear radiaiton authority. This is who he is:

I had another video of his where he says it will be worse than Chernobyl on a news report yesterday... lost the link. Hes saying likely that 2 million people will need to be evacuated. (You have a spare room?) Much of northern Japan will be a dead zone as this meltdown continues to invade the earth and water.
Wow, someone has a clue.
You sound like my DH.
I just don't understand why everyone is so nonchalant about this. It is still happening and will as long as they continue to think that it can be fixed with newspaper, sawdust and diapers (or at least the chemicals in diapers).

Oh, yeah, the EPA wants to raise the acceptable radiation limits.


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
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Analyses indicate radiation from Japans nuclear fallout has found its way into the California milk supply. asure-9607

It is time to stop drinking milk if you live in the west coast states, Idaho and likely some other area.. Radioactive iodine will last in the environment for 80 days, with a half life of 8 days...this is not to say that it is safe after 8 days. Do not be deceived. It is not fully disentegrated until 80 days.. not 8 days... it is just much less dangerous after 8 days.. the biggest concern is for children and babies.
I was thinking about the other day day when I saw one of California Cows commercials.

And I'm with Free, Abi, and SD - what are "they" gonna do? Come on the news one night and say "yeah well, sorry left coasters... all y'all are screwed so good luck to you and run for your lives"?
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