Almost Self-Reliant
Okay, for more than a month I have been getting off the comercial rabbit feed and adding more and more grasses, broad leaf plantains and danelions to their diet along with some cracked corn, whole oats, stale bread, and so on, and salt/mineral licks to the rabbits diet. They have been on a no-pellet food now for over two weeks. I have 6 does,2 bucks and a total of 22 babies from the ages of 7 weeks to 3 days. Since then I have noticed that deaths of baby rabbits have gone down to 0 so far and all the rabbits LOVE their feed. Several of the babies have been eating it since they started nibbling and seem to be growing good. Does anyone else here do that or have any suggestions on what I could do better or different? It seems like I should have less of an investment in their feed and end up with a healthier rabbit. I am not sure how the does will do with catching at a breeding, but from what I have read, they should do okay. I guess I will find out soon enough. The bucks libido sure hasn't decreased any! Any ideas or warnings from people who have done this before would be appreciated!