the funny farm6
Super Self-Sufficient
a friend once told me that rats go for the heads as they love to eat brains. so maybe the attacks are from rats but the bigger chickens are chasing them off before they kill.
If thats the case, why are the other three chicks ok? This last chick had no marks on it. The one hen I took out of there that I thought had killed the one before this one clearly had attacked two chicks I had put under the broody hens. One nearly drowned and the other she scalped and it unfortunately died.a friend once told me that rats go for the heads as they love to eat brains. so maybe the attacks are from rats but the bigger chickens are chasing them off before they kill.
I plan on cleaning the been good. I did it once before when I saw I had them, but spilled some pellets a while back. I put out poison too.Shore up your feeding to get rid of rats. Remove any old hay or bedding accumulation. I had rats in my barn and they were eating my baby bunnies.and a lot of chicken feed - DH was free feeding chickens.
Which reminds me I have chicks in there that are old enough to switch to rationed feeding. Need to do that before the rats come back.
I hate rats too.