RANT - My Trip To The New California Academy of Sciences


Super Self-Sufficient
Nov 13, 2007
Reaction score
Double posting from BYC since it applies to this group too and I'm so ticked off.

Yesterday was "Free Day" at the newly redesigned and re-openedCalifornia Academy of Sciences.

There was a LOT of hype about the building being green and signs all over the place about saving resources, reducing carbon dioxide output, etc. etc. etc. All very impressive.

First thing that rubbed me the wrong way:
I visited the aquarium... every display, even the tiny ones had 7 inch LCD display screens with info about the animals. In the past they use to have simple backlit plastic displays. There had to be hundreds of these LCD displays. These seemed terribly wasteful (manufacturing, cost, energy consumption, etc.) compared to the simple backlit plastic displays they use to use.

Now, I'm sure that the displays are way easier to swap out, when it is just a computer screen that they change the display on, but seriously... how often do you think they will be swapping out animals in the aquarium?

Second MAJOR issue:
Okay, the last item was just a littler bother, especially to this last experience while leaving the new museum.

You know how most entertainment places snap a pic of you and the family on your way in? They usually try to sell you on a picture before you leave, right? Well on our way out we thought we'd take a look at our pictures. I was expecting to preview them on a big cool LCD screen where we could choose to print them or not.

I was FLOORED when I saw the lady take our number, walk over to a large box with hundreds of file folders. I thought, "There is no way they printed these out in advance!!" Well, she pulled out an 8x10 and two 3x5 pics of our family. Now, we looked great, but I was incensed at the waste. I mean, think about it. How many families pass through this place every day... had to be thousands at least! I bet only about 10% of those pictures are purchased and the rest? I doubt they are recycled, but even if they are, they would require a lot of chemicals and energy etc. to recycle them.

I'm sure they sell a lot more of these having them already printed than having them on a computer screen. I also don't fault them for trying to make some extra $$, but what bothered me is that a place that is marketing the snot out of how earth loving they are would do something so utterly wasteful.

Anywho, just thought I'd vent on this. I'm probably going to try to contact someone over there and tell them to change their setup as it just looks really bad, especially having visitor's last interaction be one where they are seeing such rampant waste.

the simple life

Yard Farmer
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
S.Weymouth, Massachusetts
So do you think they are just trying to pull people in with the whole green concept? Maybe like jumping on the bandwagon?
I can't believe they actually print all those pictures out. I know its to get people to buy them since you are more apt to purchase a picture that is already printed versus viewing them on a screen but that is really rampant waste because there are going to be many families who do not purchase them or even bother to stop and check them out. There are alot of chemicals in photos.
Yeah, you are right to complain. I would point it out to them with the lights and everything, the reason being they cannot tout they are so green if they aren't really going to put it all into practice.
It can't be just what is convenient for them if they really want to make that a point of their advertising appeal.
Normally I would give a place credit for going green even to some extent but if they are making a point of saying they are environmentally concience when they are doing something as stupid as printing out thousands of pictures a day it needs to be pointed out to them. Its hypocritical. Hopefully they will take it into consideration and make some changes.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
I agree, Nifty, with the irony of seeing what their version of "green" really is....but you see this all the time in the media. About this actor or other "going green" in their little hybrid cars....and driving it all the way to their private jet, to zip over to the next state or continent...not considering the amount of jet fuel they expend in just hauling themselves and their little entourage. Why not just fly commercial flights that are going there anyway and can carry many people, as opposed to just a few.

Or, instead of buying "green" housing or building smaller, more efficient homes, they are building and buying billion dollar mansions for just one or two people.

Its everywhere now days, but I agree that a place built specifically for an exhibition about saving the environment should not be so blatant in their hypocrisy! :rolleyes:

Farmer Kitty

Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 4, 2008
Reaction score
It would be the last time I visited such a place. Sounds like wastefulness is more their way than green. :(


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
I am sure they are doing a ton of good for the issues of being green and educating people to be more green and learn about the natural sciences.

Make a list of what you found wasteful and mail it. Most we can do is give some education back to the "big guys" and let them know how we preceive them.

Without feedback, they have so much on their plate that they can't catch it all ya know....so writing to them is important. Might get something changed, you never know.

We will constantly see this type of thing everywhere. From a person throwing out a styrofoam cup from a car into my pasture or a "going green" building using too much resources to get their point across to the public.

Most we can do is try to make a change.


Recycled Spunk
Dec 1, 2008
Reaction score
I wonder if the photo sales weren't actually a company they contracted with to handle that aspect. If so they should have shopped around for one that reflected their vision of green.

If they have a photo lab that is part of a class then they may be incorporating the photography, developing and printing to help pay for itself.

I would bring it to their attention. Better someone like you so they can make adjustments than a horrible review in the press with no constructive suggestions which would adversely affect their ability to solicit funding.


Crazy Cat Lady
Jul 12, 2008
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Ontario, Canada
I agree, by all means write to them and explain exactly how displeased/disappointed you were and exactly why!

Unfortunately it seems to have been accepted as indisputable truth these days that in order to get anyone interested in learning something you have to have billions of electronic bells and whistles and make it an edu-tainment experience :/ I vehemently disagree with this attitude but it is pretty much the way these things are presented these days anymore, so just remember, it actually could have been WORSE :p



Super Self-Sufficient
Nov 13, 2007
Reaction score
I just received the following. Made me feel a bit better:

The Academy put quite a lot of effort into working with Sharp Shooters to ensure as sustainable an operation as possible. Here is some info below. Thank you for your comments, and your concern.

Sharpshooter has worked closely with the Academy's Facilities Department to ensure that the process is as environmentally friendly as possible, while still being a viable revenue generator. We are sharing this information with all of you, so you can share it with any concerned visitors.
Sharpshooter uses a state of the art dry photo processing, which is 100% recyclable.
This system was specifically installed at the Academy to meet our strict green standards and is substantially more expensive for Sharp Shooters to operate than wet photo processing.
Dry process has eliminated the major source of waste, as there is no chemical effluence.
Dry process photos can be recycled, where traditional wet process photos cannot. Sharpshooter recycles all non purchased photos via our existing recycling program at the Academy. The ink cartridges are recycled as well.
Sharpshooter pre-prints all photos taken, even though a limited number are purchased. This is done to serve guest needs in the time frame they demand, and due to space constraints of their work environment.


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
I agree with letting them know we think they are wasteful. it's the only way to get them to change.

Is that the big building with the new Solar roofing tiles??? I believe the manufacturer is a company called Applied Solar, used to be a local co called Open Energy. Did they have any info on the roof? Just wondering???