Almost Self-Reliant
What's the difference? Besides one is solid and one is liquid.
Here are our local prices.TanksHill said:I have a guy who sells once filtered honey on CL in my area. I don't mind the chunks but don't know if its a good price.
I think it was like 100.00 for a 5 lb bucket. What do you think?
On a super good year, a hive can produce 150 pounds of honey.8 ounce bears, $6, 6 pound bottles for $44.00/ 12 pound gallons for $80.00/ 60 pound buckets for $400.00
I don't know how much honey in general weighs, but I know a 5 gallon bucket from home depot holds 25#s of organic chicken feed I figure 5 gallons of honey would have to weigh alot more since there's more in it :d Maybe as much as 50#'s? I'm a horrible guesser thoughTanksHill said:That was supposed to read a 5 gallon bucket. So I guess I would depend on how may lb it weighed out to be.