Mountain Sage
Aly, I've heard those low-line jerseys are pretty expensive, not to mention you have to find a small bull with which to breed or do AI from a smaller breed, which is also a little pricey, unless you have someone who can do it for you. How about a regular jersey, which aren't real big anyway, and breed her to a beef breed?
I've always wanted a jersey, low line or other, as they are so sweet and beautiful and their milk is so very rich! Heck you could finish off two babies on a jersey and still have plenty for your family!
I think a dairy cow is a great idea, but I can see why you would want a small breed. I've heard the Dexters have great tasting milk.
But the jerseys have those big, long eye lashes...... 
I've always wanted a jersey, low line or other, as they are so sweet and beautiful and their milk is so very rich! Heck you could finish off two babies on a jersey and still have plenty for your family!
I think a dairy cow is a great idea, but I can see why you would want a small breed. I've heard the Dexters have great tasting milk.