Well said, Damamma..being comfortable with living simply will go a long ways in the near future.I think the average Joe is going to be in for a big surprise tone big problem, is the worlds resources are really getting streched, we've hit peak oil, and haven't done very much to adjust to that fact, that alone is has started to create headaches at the gas pumps.Food, droughts,flooding and global population explosions.When you add them all up,it simply means the world is running on empty.This is not like the great depression in the sense that back then the world wasn't as populated,natural resources were still plentiful, America was still a country of producers, not so much just consumers.There are huge differences from back then ,to present day... A man who wanted to work after the great depression could go to sea and fish, and man could make a half decent living Their was little goverment regulations, plenty of fish and the sea was still pretty clean. Today it is totally opposite,today the Comm.fishing fleet in Montauk Pt. very close to where i live, is tied to the dock.Gov't regulations,depleted fish stocks, huge insurance cost and high fuel prices, have crippled the industry.We outsource our kids jobs to far away lands.They have student loans to pay, they are educated, they want to work, but Corporate America, sees things another way.We have a health crisis, fat people, fat kids, because we eat crap and sit in front of the computer/tv..I hardly see kids playing outside anymore, they prefer computer games, not getting the exercise the need.We have numerous welfare states, where people expect handouts.Our gov't is on the verge of default, because were paying out more than were taking in. These are all reasons and things going on around us that have conspired to put us in a very bad state of being.Doom and gloom..? I'm a realist, this isn't rocket science, there are many people out there that know i'm right, as there are many people who are in denial and just don't beieve it..we are on a unsustainable course,the results will not be pretty....IMO
girl im not seeing a reason to get out and join the world
once i move to the country i surely wont know the world causae i wont be able to see anyones house from my house. kinda the way i prefer. plus i will be busy starting my own sufficient ways. chickens pigs gardens and the list goes on