Ready for SS's 1st Great Debate?


Power Conserver
Jul 12, 2008
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Beekissed said:
And nature, or if you believe, God, or the universe laughs.
I, for one, believe but I don't think God is exactly laughing about our ignorance. I think it brings him great sorrow. As a believer, I don't have to worry myself over all these proposed natural disasters, at all. I have the faith and comfort knowing that God will take care of me regardless. But I do know it is prophesy, and its in the Bible, that all this would happen. It says the Earth, and the creatures on it, will groan for His coming.

Now, I don't wish to start a theologic controversy here...those are the worst kind! I just really feel sad for the people who worry so much about the uncertainty of the future. From what is stated in the Bible, God feels the same sorrow over the folly of mankind. :(
Agreed! And as for me (the OP), I dont wantonly waste things, no. But I'm not giving up soda pop. And I'm not giving up my truck... the only thing that would take me where I need to go (other than feet, which, I literally would not have time for in my occupation) is horses. If gas becomes extinct, I will then get me a horse. Until then, I'll drive my truck. And if THAT makes me an awful, horrible, person doing a cheetos dance, than so be it.

If I truly belived my Mountain Dew consumption was bringing about the imminent destruction of earth, I would stop. But since I do not, I won't.


Enjoys Recycling
Jul 12, 2008
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The earth will be just fine. Short of the sun going supernova, the earth will carry on without a hitch. The issues are those having to do with the surface and atmosphere such that they can continue to produce the conditions adequate to support the human species.

The scientists don't know either. But they have general ideas. We really need to be looking at the models of what will happen *when* the sea levels rise, not *if* and plan accordingly. Maximize our resources by recycling. Be efficient and stop looking to natural resources as our only recourse. Just pay attention to the future. Start now.


A Major Squash & Pumpkin Lover
Jul 11, 2008
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central WI
patandchickens said:
I think it is our responsibility to TRY, despite personal inconvenience. And to err on the side of caution, out of respect for our descendants and the other 50 million or so species that we share this planet with.Pat
Yet again, Pat has said it well!

Can any of us individually prove or disprove climate change and its link to human activity? Probably not alone.

But, does it really hurt to restrain ourselves? Again, not to get all theological, but I really cannot prove or disprove God either, but I still live my life in a belief of God. I feel it's a much better life and, based on my beliefs, a much safer way to approach death.

I cannot prove or disprove GW either. But, living with respect and consideration of Mother Earth is a much gentler, peaceful life for me and it could be that future generations will thank those of us who cared enough to restrain ourselves in respect for the earth's limited resources.

As Reinbeu stated, it seems like everyone here is living lightly and respectfully here on earth. It just seems like we disagree on the original post. Glad to be acquainted with such a group! But, what else would one expect on a forum called sufficientself? :)

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