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Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
Reaction score
Hello everyone. It’s been a really long time. I was previously using my actual name but I don’t have my password. Hurricane Ida took care of the folder I had that written on but my name is Rhoda. So some of y’all are aware that I remarried a farmer/artist/disabled oilfield worker from my home town, two years ago in April. I was working as a weekend nurse until the storm ravaged my whole community and now I’m just using our survival skills to build some kind of life. The first three days were really survival. I was in my house when it started ripping apart. What’s really sad is I could have helped my community so much if only I had my house. I mean I had a well stocked pantry, apothecary, OTC meds, lots of rooms and a whole house generator. Now I am afraid to climb the stairs to get ‘inside’ but I am slowly getting my belongings and I plan on turning my downstairs patio type area into a cellar with a greenhouse on the house floor. My barn looks a lot better than my house. Strangely our camper trailer in the woods was fine, DH’s trailer house was fine, his parents 100 year old shotgun style house was fine except for two sheets of sheet metal, so we currently in his childhood home. We still have lots of poultry running around in my yard that we have to feed and so much to clean and dismantle. So I am waiting around for the administrator to call me back to work but I have lots to do anyway so not looking for work before that time. Also preparing to possibly just manage the orchard and make a living selling remedies, fresh fruits, possibly fruit trees and healthy vegetables and turn my house’s siding into 500 or so bee hives. Today is DH’s 56th Birthday and he bought himself 4 new overalls. Then we went eat out and on the rebound he bought a new rabbit...a doe. We really have a lot more rabbits than we have cages so something has got to give. So I guess that’s it. I will submit and make myself at home. Will try to look at the alternative energy sections next and maybe start a new journal but with the same title as my old one 🤷‍♀️


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
Hello everyone. It’s been a really long time. I was previously using my actual name but I don’t have my password. Hurricane Ida took care of the folder I had that written on but my name is Rhoda. So some of y’all are aware that I remarried a farmer/artist/disabled oilfield worker from my home town, two years ago in April. I was working as a weekend nurse until the storm ravaged my whole community and now I’m just using our survival skills to build some kind of life. The first three days were really survival. I was in my house when it started ripping apart. What’s really sad is I could have helped my community so much if only I had my house. I mean I had a well stocked pantry, apothecary, OTC meds, lots of rooms and a whole house generator. Now I am afraid to climb the stairs to get ‘inside’ but I am slowly getting my belongings and I plan on turning my downstairs patio type area into a cellar with a greenhouse on the house floor. My barn looks a lot better than my house. Strangely our camper trailer in the woods was fine, DH’s trailer house was fine, his parents 100 year old shotgun style house was fine except for two sheets of sheet metal, so we currently in his childhood home. We still have lots of poultry running around in my yard that we have to feed and so much to clean and dismantle. So I am waiting around for the administrator to call me back to work but I have lots to do anyway so not looking for work before that time. Also preparing to possibly just manage the orchard and make a living selling remedies, fresh fruits, possibly fruit trees and healthy vegetables and turn my house’s siding into 500 or so bee hives. Today is DH’s 56th Birthday and he bought himself 4 new overalls. Then we went eat out and on the rebound he bought a new rabbit...a doe. We really have a lot more rabbits than we have cages so something has got to give. So I guess that’s it. I will submit and make myself at home. Will try to look at the alternative energy sections next and maybe start a new journal but with the same title as my old one 🤷‍♀️
Hi Rhoda! I remember you! Wow, you've had a lot of challenges lately. It sounds difficult. Your attitude and courage are admirable. I'm glad you are able to rejoin us. 💗


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 4, 2021
Reaction score
Hello Rhoda. Welcome back

You certainly have had more than a few serious challenges too cope with. I hope you will have an easier ride from here on in.

Congratulations on your marriage that really is a blessing :) 💫

I would be more than interested too know about your herbal remedies, so will be looking out for your posts in here.

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
Reaction score
I really need whatever still exists of my apothecary. DH managed to locate some of my herbs. I put together whatever remedies helps people and according to seasons. So like right now I’m seeing a lot of goldenrod in full bloom. I need to collect at least 2 quarts of the flowers and put in mason jars so I can make a vinegar tincture to help people with seasonal allergies. I don’t have a bunch of little bottles anymore to put them in but I used to use some tiny wine bottles. I have been asked by a few people to get the bees out of their walls because a lot of people have extensive damage to their homes and the contractors won’t work on their houses if they getting stung so I have been trying to catch as many bees as possible and honeycomb with larvae so I can convince the whole colony the hive is a better place than the house but you really never know with bees but the stings help my pain and I sometimes need the honey for remedies or just allergies. Also the comb is a key ingredient for some of the salves I put together. I don’t have any of my prepared salves but I have made rosebud salve, capsaicin salve, healing salve, drawing salve...when I got into studying the herbs I was really pumped up to see that other things I was already involved with would help me deliver the herbs. Like I can make a medicinal wine to treat cold virus or pain. I can make a cigarette to treat bronchitis or to help someone break the habit. I wish I had known that years before so I could have helped Momma. I do this and that but my biggest deal is a pain cream I make that I call Magic Lotion and the Boron capsules I use to treat arthritis. The arthritis remedy literally changed my life. I am a nurse and I give medicine for a living. Not exactly trying to disrespect doctors or tell anyone not to listen to y’all doctors but I will not diagnose anyone with a disease but I might ask questions and see what someone tells me and go from there but consider this...your doctor stands to gain nothing from you getting well. I think it’s up to us to take care of our bodies and make them strong and healthy. I sure hope DH brings me a few of my books.