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- #11
Well..... I did it. ithought about it long and hard and talked with my financial planner guy today. (not that we actually use him much) but, he said that since my acct was under water by about $100, i wouldnt have to pay a penalty or taxes on capital gains cuz i havent gained anything. Which is just the pits, cuz ive had that money in there for like 4 or 5 years and its now worth $100 less than when i put it in there. I know, thats the way long term investing is... but if i can get it with no penalty and free and clear, im going too. With that 4K added to what we already have, we will beable to...
-pay off the truck 15k
-pay down MIL 8K
and take the 525 i was spending on the truck pymet/month and put towards the 750/month im saving for a down payment for house and put that 1275/month towards paying OFF my MIL. So, in 5 months give or take a month, Ill be DEBT FREE!!!! Im so freakin excited, you have no idea.... It feels great just to know that we wont owe anyone, our money is our money, no one gets it every month. Once this happens we will then have 1400/month to put towards building up a down payment for our dream property. (well, maybe not our dream property, but any property will do at this point!!!
My master plan seems like it will work. and once we get moved in a settled, i can then start putting money again back into my Roth and my kids' mutual funds. which ive temporarily suspended for the last year. And then, hopefully we get a decent amount of money out of our house when we sell, cuz the minute my feet hit the new house..... we are going to ADOPT again!!! Im so excited, i can hardly wait. Thats one of my main reasons to be debt free. I can then stay home for at least teh first year with my little one instead of having to go back to work right away like i did with both my other sons'. He/She will just have to like coming out in the barn with me everyday to feed my animals and milk my cow (imaginary right now)!!
now, i realize that alot can happen to derail this plan, but thats my 2-3 year plan right now depending on when the house sells. But its good to plan.... right????
-Thanks for all the input- Rach
-pay off the truck 15k
-pay down MIL 8K
and take the 525 i was spending on the truck pymet/month and put towards the 750/month im saving for a down payment for house and put that 1275/month towards paying OFF my MIL. So, in 5 months give or take a month, Ill be DEBT FREE!!!! Im so freakin excited, you have no idea.... It feels great just to know that we wont owe anyone, our money is our money, no one gets it every month. Once this happens we will then have 1400/month to put towards building up a down payment for our dream property. (well, maybe not our dream property, but any property will do at this point!!!
My master plan seems like it will work. and once we get moved in a settled, i can then start putting money again back into my Roth and my kids' mutual funds. which ive temporarily suspended for the last year. And then, hopefully we get a decent amount of money out of our house when we sell, cuz the minute my feet hit the new house..... we are going to ADOPT again!!! Im so excited, i can hardly wait. Thats one of my main reasons to be debt free. I can then stay home for at least teh first year with my little one instead of having to go back to work right away like i did with both my other sons'. He/She will just have to like coming out in the barn with me everyday to feed my animals and milk my cow (imaginary right now)!!
now, i realize that alot can happen to derail this plan, but thats my 2-3 year plan right now depending on when the house sells. But its good to plan.... right????