rodeogirl's journey to being self-sufficient


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
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USDA Zone 3b/4a
There are some fantastic books on urban gardening. Vertical gardens are pretty cool! I am curious to see what you are able to grow!

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
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Central Maine, Zone 4B
And, if you have some area that gets sun, but otherwise is not appropriate for a garden, consider hay or straw bale gardening. With proper planning, you can even hay bale garden on a deck. You would have to build a base, and put a water proof, sloped surface between hay bale base and deck to divert water from pooling and rotting the deck. By far, the most important factor is available sunshine. All other factors can be amended to produce success.


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 29, 2014
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Hurray for little angel sleeping in her own bed!! :weee


Super Self-Sufficient
Jan 31, 2015
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Lovell Wyoming
So I think we are going to talk to our landlords about putting a patio in our yard. We have one but ots just big enough for our grill and thats it. Not much room for entertaining and we are planing on being here till we can buy a house.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jan 31, 2015
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Lovell Wyoming
So I'm thinking of getting some elderberry bushes to plant at this house. that way when we move all I have to do is take a cutting to the next house. And while we are here we have a plant to harvest that is beneficial. I actually found a website that sells American elderberry cuttings ( they also sell freeze dried and syrup.


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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The things we go through for our kids. My little angel wasn't going to sleep so I was sitting on my bed with her in sitting in my lap watching a movie. When she decided that was the best time to have a blowout. It went up her back out the side of her diaper, down my leg and on to my side of the bed. And to top it off Ron was asleep so no changing the bed.
I really don't miss those days!


Super Self-Sufficient
Jan 31, 2015
Reaction score
Lovell Wyoming
So fun times at my house this week. Ron is working the graveyard shift and my little angel doesn't like to sleep when he isn't here (she is a complete daddy's girl.) With this going on she is up almost all night waiting for him to come home. So right now they are both asleep, I know I should keep her up so she sleeps at night but if I do that she wont sleep and will be extremely fussy so this is easier. Then I forgot it was valentines day this week and had to go buy some valentines for my little man for school and fill them out. Now I get to go to the store after I pick up my little man and get some cookies for his party at school on Friday because we can't bring homemade things to school since everyone is allergic to everything now.

I'm also starting to plan out my garden and I'm thinking to go with square foot gardening. This way I can get the most out of the least amount of space. As it's sitting right now I have about 2 square feet of carrots/radishes (I mix the seeds since they mature at different times it saves space, I also mix varieties makes harvest more fun), 1 square foot of peas (probably about 18 plants with 3 rows of peas with the plants about 2 inches apart in each row.) 1 square foot of beans (I could get about the same as the peas 18 plants with 3 rows of peas with the plants about 2 inches apart in each row) 1 square foot of leaf lettuces (i like the salad mix its colorful and delicious.) 2 square feet of corn (will give me about 10 plants if i plant 5 in each square foot.) 2 square feet for peppers (I still need to figure out what peppers I'm going to grow but I can plant 4-5 in each square foot giving me 8-10 plants.) 4 square feet for tomatoes (gives me 4 plants), 2 square feet for cucumbers (4 plants 2 per square foot.) I still have room fore more plants.

I still need to figure out what herbs I'm going to plant and I think I'm going to plant most of them in Silas's pool garden and I'm going to start one for Aubrey. We still need to go get Silas's garden from the old house it is frozen to the ground right now. I also want to talk to our landlords about putting planters along the back of the house. This is on a south facing wall and it is just weeds along the house at that side so I wouldn't be digging up grass. The planter that we do have is on the west side of the house. I also want to put a planter in the front of the house (I'm trying to make it easier to mow and more planting space.) If I can put in the planters I want the front will be flowers. Ideally I would want edible flowers but I'm not picky if we keep it looking nice I can do almost anything I want. The south facing would be mostly food and some flowers because why not.

Then we have our camper that we need to figure out where we are going to park before spring. Right now it is in the yard and with the ground being frozen it is fine right now but when the snow melts it will destroy the grass. We where going to put it in the garage so we could work on it in the winter but with it being a pop-up its 17 feet long without the 2 wings being out and the garage is 17 feet long so there wouldn't be any room for us to even walk to the freezer. I think we are just going to park it in the drive way and have the trucks parked in the road because our town passed a law that you cant store trailers on the street. I know my grandpa would let me park it on his property but we don't know how much longer he will be around and i don't know if my uncles would be ok with that (they "own" his property so if he ever has to go into the nursing home the property wont be seized.) My dad would let me keep it there but with his health he has enough going on.

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