There is a site that has all of that... can't find it. They have it in text and PDF, which you can download to prep for TSHTF. They had all kinds of details about agriculture, small engine repair, medical stuff, etc. Anyone?
Have you considered the fact that this type (SS) forum is not the best format,what is needed [in my opinion] is called a Wiki.rty007 said:I hope to have it set up before monday ready for the articles.
I thought about a small donation for the server, and all but then decided that posting ads and asking you all folks to click them from time to time would be enough.
SO, who can write what? I want to be a vast compendium covering lots off topics:
- Basic information on raising/feeding/living requirements and so on of a animal(put whatever animal you can think of here)
- A database of diseases of a animal (again....)
Couse How often there is a question like omigosh omgosh, what is that... and a photo of a goat butt or whatever
- Processing your meats
- Growing your food
- preserving your harvest with recipes sorted by the produce..
"I have a huge load of that vegie(whatever)" and there would a list of ways to preserve it
- a little tad about pressure canners
- ways to save money / roll your own soap and whatever else.