The worst part is we have a variety of breeds... Cinnamon queens, Easter Eggers, Icelandics, Amber link and polish. We had a Faverolle in the mix too (I think that's everyone...). I thought the ducks were gonna start laying before the hens. I think it was NH Homesteader who made a comment about how nicely sized their eggs are and I was all, They had better be! They aren't young birds just starting to lay, they're adults now Now we are up to 5 different hens having laid out of the 8. I won't have to start over this spring with new chicks after all
We have yet to actually see spring Still stuck below freezing mostly and another upwards of 14" predicted for the weekend... BUT today is supposed to hit low 40's FINALLY. We were back at 0* over the weekend again. Mother Nature has abandoned us and left us to freeze.
It is most certainly not normal to this extent. :/ it was 21 degrees and sunny and I was out in a long sleeved shirt and vest... It felt NICE. It had been soooo cold with no sun that I didn't know it wasn't warmer.