Food Guru
This post reminded me of something we do.....we have our savings account at a credit union that is a 35 minute drive away, so we have to plan carefully when we take money out. No impulses are possible.PamsPride said:Our morgage payment is automatically taken out of our savings account that is at another bank so we have some of DH's paycheck deposited into that account every pay...but we have slightly more deposited than what our morgage is plus the two extra pays a year the amount still goes in so it adds up quickly. Then we do not touch the $$ in that account unless it is an emergency.
We both have a small, one half-day per week teaching job that pays very nicely, and both those checks are direct-deposited into the savings account. This money pays our taxes, since we are mostly self-employed, and pays for the big expenses that show up occasionally, like tires, firewood, dead washing machine, etc. We hope to be able to leave it alone long enough to get dh a used car for cash, no payments, before his current car bites the dust. He will drive that car until it won't go anymore. That is another tip, but not for me. Women have more safety considerations than men, and being stranded alone is not safe, so I get the newer car....tee-hee!