City Biddy
Sorry I was so grouchy at you this morning.
I just got home a bit ago from shopping with my D1 for a friend's baby shower tomorrow. I was talking to my D1 tonight and mentioned the Meiniers disease and that a couple of friends have it and that I was feeling worried for them.
She proceeded to tell me the story about one of the best and funniest veterinarians that she used to work for. Seems this Doc also has Meiniers and while everything medically indicates he should no longer be able to hear a darned thing he was still hearing. He told her how they discovered that he tended to jam his hearing aids really deep into his ear and it was actually sending sound waves through his jaw bones and allowing him to continue to hear in a fashion. He was even still able to use a stethoscope! She said if he opened his mouth you could hear the sounds from his hearing aid. She said he had the dizzy spells and even would pass out from time to time, but that stuff never slowed him down. He was one of the favorite vets that she has ever worked for and the only reason she is not still working there is that he finally retired.
I am glad she told me about Doc C. because now I am less worried about you both. The sun will shine for you again my friend! It has for me. I still have some really bad days, but the happy days still out number them.
I agree totally with Deb. Far better to help each other out here than to wallow in a pity party at some sick people website.

I just got home a bit ago from shopping with my D1 for a friend's baby shower tomorrow. I was talking to my D1 tonight and mentioned the Meiniers disease and that a couple of friends have it and that I was feeling worried for them.
She proceeded to tell me the story about one of the best and funniest veterinarians that she used to work for. Seems this Doc also has Meiniers and while everything medically indicates he should no longer be able to hear a darned thing he was still hearing. He told her how they discovered that he tended to jam his hearing aids really deep into his ear and it was actually sending sound waves through his jaw bones and allowing him to continue to hear in a fashion. He was even still able to use a stethoscope! She said if he opened his mouth you could hear the sounds from his hearing aid. She said he had the dizzy spells and even would pass out from time to time, but that stuff never slowed him down. He was one of the favorite vets that she has ever worked for and the only reason she is not still working there is that he finally retired.
I am glad she told me about Doc C. because now I am less worried about you both. The sun will shine for you again my friend! It has for me. I still have some really bad days, but the happy days still out number them.
I agree totally with Deb. Far better to help each other out here than to wallow in a pity party at some sick people website.