Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
i incubate spring, summer, fall, and sometimes in the winter. As long as you can keep the incubator in a room that has fairly steady temps and doesn't get too hot or too cool, it shouldn't matter the season.savingdogs said:i was fine until the weather warmed up and the room got hotter.
I was reading in a chicken book that you should only incubate in the spring? I wanted to say to the authors, why?
Brooding is easier in spring and summer, IMO. In summer, I find that I can stop using the heat lamps sooner.
Actually, I have a brooder of 2 week chicks right now out in the chick barn that only use the heat lamp in the early morning hours, when it's cool. I've been shutting it off during the day, leaving it off all night, and turning it on around 7 am. They seem to be feathering in nicely, too.