Savingdogs-Saving the chickens


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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Me, too. It still hasn't quite sunk in yet, it seems like such a miracle.


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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savingdogs said:
Me, too. It still hasn't quite sunk in yet, it seems like such a miracle.
They do happen. :) Hopefully, more burdens can continue to be lifted off of your shoulders, too. Very happy for you!


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 19, 2011
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Isle of Wight, VA
I am crying and it's not even 7am!! :hit That's a beautiful story SD and i will remind myself of it anytime I get that hopeless feeling. The funniest thing about that story is that I just realized yesterday the smaller dog is a boy dog and not a girl, just like in your story! He is warming up to us so I was able to get a little closer and saw his peepee. I'm pretty sure he has been neutered though which is one reason we might have assumed he's a she. We will be leaving for the vet here very soon so I will need names for them before I go. I think I will also get them heart worm tested. What do you think?


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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I'd ask the vet for advice. We don't have heartworm here in Washington, or at least not enough to treat our dogs. Vets I know here SAY that dogs should be on Heartgard but don't treat their own dogs with it, so neither do I and I've never seen them pressure people to go onto it. I think I have some here that I could mail to you if you need it, size large dog. I don't use it and got these as free samples. Hubby is a little slow sending stuff in the mail for me though.

So I'm no expert on that....maybe someone else on here is, but you are probably right to be concerned about heartworms.

So they are both male? That would be a relief! No puppies!

By the way, most strays that I have taken care of (about 50-75, never really counted) were in my care a very short time, not two and a half years. I only had two that I ever had trouble re-homing, that was Prince and my own dog that we KEPT, Bandit. We originally were going to find a home for Bandit but she ran away from every home except ours, so we kept getting her back, and then she got lymphoma, so no one wanted her. However, we are almost FIVE years since her lymphoma diagnosis and she looks great. So we have a pretty good average for finding the dogs homes. Of all those strays, only about five times did an owner appear, the rest of the dogs were all not claimed. And I never got a reward for any of the dogs I returned, the reward was always that the dog was okay. But I was surprised because if someone had kept and returned MY lost dog like that I would have been more grateful.

So it is sometimes better if no owner comes forward......and in your case I don't think they would.

And by the way, I don't really think I have a halo......only a DOG halo......It gets a little larger every dog you rescue something, so mine gets a little heavy sometimes. This is just the silly play on words I use to describe the phenomenon that a lot of rescuers find.....that dogs and cats are inexplicably drawn to those people who will help them and I am not the only one........most people who are fellow dog rescuers describe this same phenomenon. It gets even worse when a couple of us get together, and it tends to rub off on my friends, so be careful! You may be "catching" your dog halo from me.

Remember at the vet to say SEVERAL times in front of the staff this was NOT your plan.....That was what always made us dig through the free samples of wormer and fleas stuff and open up promotional packs meant for puppies and stuff the drug companies give to vets, vets and their staff HATE to see skinny mistreated dogs like that, starvation brings out the sympathy factor each and every time. Say things like "I'm not sure how I'll afford feeding two"and stuff like that. Every office I've worked at sold dog food and had bags sitting around half gone or sampled and some fussy dog didn't like it, your hungry strays will probably eat anything. And see if they know any local rescue groups besides the humane society. Good luck! I'm glad you liked Prince's story. I actually wrote that a long time ago, most of it before he was adopted, I just gave the story a new ending since years have passed. Trouble really missed Prince when he left and we went to visit him several times because of that, and because Prince liked to see us. I have a photo of him that I'll add when I get a chance to get on Hubby's computer and find it.

framing fowl

On a mission
Oct 30, 2009
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I love the story of Prince William! I cried the whole way through but I love how it was written from his perspective.

Congrats on the SSI too! Hope you have a great weekend!


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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Well things are fairly calm here at Dizzy Dog Ranch. Weather is still 10 degrees below normal but that makes it a nice 72 degrees, so you won't hear any complaints from me. We have big fluffy white clouds passing overhead and a gentle breeze. Ahhhhhhhhh.........................

We have a possible new foster coming. I was all set to give the family directions to our house (they are in BC, which is quite a haul), but then something happened to set the brakes. The dog is supposed to have a urinary issue which is no biggy, there are several minor things it could be, but the owner mentioned in passing that the vet thinks it has diabetes insipidus.

ERrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr (sound of screeching brakes)

I doubt anyone reading here remembers the Story of Lillianne, but I've already had a diabetes insipidus foster and it was NOT a good experience. Treatment for that is very expensive and that is hard on a rescue......Lillianne ended up dying young despite our efforts and the great home that had of my tragic foster stories. So I'm not anxious for a repeat......I'm a sucker for dogs but not a FOOL.
I told them we only want to foster this new dog if there is financial backing with our group for I'm praying of course that there is.
The response I got back is that the owner has already spent 3500.00 dollars on this dog.....I turned to Hubby and said, "How did I know?" .....when dogs have a mysterious illness it can be very expensive. I'm sure that is why this family is giving up....we would have to as well after spending 3500 dollars, I have nothing but empathy for them.

Why do things always have to be about MONEY?


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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We are lucky enough to be having smashingly beautiful weather today, clear skies and nice warm but not hot temps.

Can it just STAY this way?

This is the kind of weather that makes people want to move here. Everything looks pretty and green and growing and the state is gorgeous this time of year. I will never regret moving away from Los Angeles to come here.

So Computer Nerd is planning his upcoming trip to Europe, he will leave in a week and a half. I don't know if I mentioned it, but he decided not to go to college this year and to work and work on his home business instead. Since he doesn't own a car yet, this seemed like an unusual choice, but I do think Europe will be mind-expanding and educational for him in a cool way. He is going with a group of friends, including one friend that has a Swedish girlfriend, so at least there will be one european person with them. I'm a little nervous about my baby being so far from home, but he is 19 after all.....Time for baby bird to leave the nest I guess.

I will be taking charge of his dog and the kitten when he is gone.

And now we have a new foster for sure coming. Her family is driving her down today. I'll get to meet her tonight. I sure hope she isn't diabetic, poor thing. I also hope she doesn't think live chicken is a fun play toy. I need to clip the wings on my EEs tonight to keep them in their run better. They fly so well! And they have been getting used to dogs, they don't have the proper amount of fear.

Money is still awful tight, we need to "catch up" to all our bills but at least I'm no longer unpaid. Poor Hubby had to take gas from the (parked) Jeep to get to work this week, but at least we have plenty of food and the bills are paid. Ahhhhh! I remember a time when I would have been pouty and upset about our lack of funds and now I really feel RICH having a freezer full of meat and plenty to eat.

The one thing I don't understand about our period of poverty, I didn't get skinny! I really ate a lot less but gained weight. I think it has more to do in my case with stopping that job where I was walking and walking all the time, walking those dogs, and feeling so sick all the time. I should really try to start a walking habit again I guess. Hubby blames the whole goat milk but I think Freemotion would argue with him, and she is a heck of a lot more educated about food than my Hubby. He just likes to eat what is most handy!


Abinormal Butterfly
Oct 21, 2009
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My weatherbug says it is 89 but the breeze is cool.

No AC on, windows open, and I'm fine. It was 85 2 weeks ago and felt hotter than this!!!



Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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Here is Zoe!

This was taken by the prior owner, more of a puppy shot.

I think this one is more recent:

She looks a little older here. I think they took this one to show me one of her now. She should be on the way here at this point.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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shes a shes a bundle of energy with that mix too lol.