ScottyG and some random thoughts


Jul 16, 2008
Reaction score
Brandon, MS
Procrastinators of the the world unite. Tomorrow.

Maybe you just work better under pressure. LOL

Thats what I tell myself anyway when I let things pile up.


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 26, 2008
Reaction score
South Central Michigan
I am exhausted today, and not even for any good reason.

My lovely wife (for some reason, I just can't get myself to use the DW or DD abbreviations, etc... they just look weird to me) let me sleep in a little this morning while she played with the baby, because I took the midnight waking last night. So I actually got a nice amount of sleep today...

But then we had a ridiculous day. We have to formula feed our baby due to a number of medical circumstances, and we've been lucky in our move here to Michigan that one of the local grocery store chains sells a store-brand, Organic baby formula that's cheaper than the non-organic one we used to buy. I didn't think we could afford the organic anywhere, but it's been a pleasure to buy this one and get those benefits, PLUS pay less for it. Good job, Kroger!

But then last week we went to get our little girl's formula supplies, and the store near us stopped carrying it... and we only had a few days' worth left. So we called all the Krogers within 75 miles or so, and located some about an hour away. The grocery manager even put aside a case for us, and ordered us some more cases. Yay!

So this morning, after the baby's nap, we dashed off on the hour-long trip to Kroger, did some shopping while we were there anyway (not to be a total waste of gasoline), bought formula, and had some lunch because we had been too tired to think about bringing anything. Then, we went home, and coaxed the baby for a nap in the car (which is quite difficult, because she HATES the car in every way).

When we got home, we had 10 minutes to give her a bottle, grab her swimsuit and mine, put all the refrigerated and frozen things away, and then hop in the car and dash off to the free baby swimming lessons we signed up for... So we got there a few minutes late, but basically okay. And I swam with her for 45 minutes or so, which was very very fun.

Then we came home, and I had a migraine, and everyone was exhausted, but we needed to get the groceries put away, and my wife had to leave for work about 30 minutes later (she's working evenings and nights for the next week), and then the baby just never got tired, so we played on the floor for a while, while I started laundry (oooh! Have to go do more of that now!)...

Anyway. Tired. Big day. Annoyed at having to travel an hour away for baby formula.


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
Sorry about the migraine Scotty! And what a hassle about the formula. I wish stores didn't do that, especially with a necessity like formula. It's going off the shelves, SOMEONE must be buying it. Too bad they can't realize that people really depend on that stuff being there! Hope today is better!


Jul 16, 2008
Reaction score
Brandon, MS
Sorry to hear about the migraine. Thank goodness I have only had two of those in my lifetime. At least I assume they were migraines. Hope you don't have them often.

Did your store say why they won't be keeping the formula in stock?

I find it odd that one store does and one does not. Maybe your store can order it for you also.


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 26, 2008
Reaction score
South Central Michigan
Update: 4 cases of formula purchased, on the week that the store just HAPPENED to have a sale: $2 off each can! SCORE!


Big stressful week coming up. My mom's been sick with terminal brain cancer for a little over 4 years now. Gave her 4-6 months to live back then, and here we are 50 months later. She's slipping further and further away from the world, definitely, but still her vital signs are strong as ever. She's been living in her house with a 24-hour home health aide, and my sister for a while... my sister moved out without warning ANY of us last year, and my mom's been all alone with the health aide... who is a very competent person, but also has about as much kindness as Satan himself.

So I've been determined to move her out of that depressing and entirely lonesome environment into a good nursing home, one with a lot of nurses and fellow people around, and one near the rest of her family. So we've finally done it! We're moving her this coming week, 800 miles away from her home to the city where she grew up, where her 2 brothers, 6 nieces and nephews, and elderly aunt still live.

I'm very excited to be helping start this new chapter in her life, when I had no idea that she'd even still have a life... but the moving is going to be really really hard. Have to clean out the house I grew up in, drive solo across the country with her things... she's going to be HORRIBLY upset when she finds out what's up (we haven't told her yet because her concept of time is messed up, and she'd just freak out too far in advance), and cry the whole time, and I'll be saying goodbye to that house, and to her last semblance of the life she had before she got ill. UGH.

But I just have to keep reminding myself that we're doing the right thing for her. Because we are. Whew. Can't wait for this to be over, and to visit her in her new digs once she's settled in.


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Upper Peninsula, MI
Wheew, You are going to be busy. First of all let me say, Isnt that just the way things go? you start to get into the habit of buying a certain something at a store and then they quit stocking it, GRRRR. Really glad you found a krogers that still sells it and you got a sale.

I am really sorry to hear about your mom. It is hard to believe she has hung on this long. Maybe way off base here, but possibly your sister just couldnt take it anymore? That is no excuse for leaving like she did I agree, but by doing it like this she avoided the arguments that were bound to happen if she had let ya'll know. maybe?
You are doing what YOU believe to be the right thing. You are doing what you need to do. What is the alternative......move her in with you......could you be *stay at home dad and caretaker to your mother*? You know you are doing the best you can. :aww


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
so sorry to hear about your Mom!
life offers some hard times definitely. You are making a good move for her. when the time comes, it simply comes. the decision has to be made and don't ever feel it was wrong. the next step happens.

I hope all goes well for you! and I hope she settles in well!


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
Sorry to hear about your mom, ScottyG.

You definitely had a busy day!

I was just thinking about you yesterday, too...was thinking hadn't seen him post in awhile...wonder why? :lol: Then, Oh look, he was on and posted! :p


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 26, 2008
Reaction score
South Central Michigan
Funny day today... I'm off for my big road trip to move my mom tomorrow, so today was the day to really get stuff done around the house, so I'm not leaving my wife alone with a baby AND a dirty house. Only alone with the baby. Which makes me feel totally guilty, but obviously moving my mom to the nursing home is a worthwhile priority.

This morning was rough... tub faucet of this house we're renting wouldn't shut off since we moved in, and the plumber kept avoiding fixing it, and it wasn't something I could fix myself. Rusted out fixtures and the like. So the plumber finally came to fix it this morning, and left with it half done. At which point it was the baby's naptime, so I put her down for a nap. 5 minutes later, the plumber's back with more tools, and starts hammering and drilling and hammering and drilling... needless to say, baby napped a grand total of 15 minutes. Urgh. So she was touchy most of the day.

After the plumber finally left, I got the baby all bundled up and ready to go for some errands around town... and then realized I had no keys. My wife borrowed them yesterday because she forgot hers... and then she also forgot to give them back to me (and I forgot to ask for them back)... so I got everything by the door, set to go... and then we stayed home and played on the floor for 3 hours until my wife got done with work. Then, a MAD DASH around town, getting everything done in 2 hours that I wanted to get done all day long. HA!

In the meanwhile, I know I'm not the most active member here, but in case anyone thinks to fret that I'm gone like y'all did with Beekissed and Morel... well, I'll be out of contact until next Tuesday or Wednesday, and possibly even a week or so after that, doing all this stuff with my mother, and then having houseguests for Thanksgiving. So, happy Thanksgiving all! See you later, peeps.


Quilting Extraordinaire
Jul 19, 2008
Reaction score
Northern Ontario Canada
Scotty so sorry to hear about your mom, that is a very difficult situation but you are doing a good thing by bringing her closer to family and a nursing home is probably the best for her at this point.
Have a safe trip, and hope to see you posting soon, I love reading about your life with baby:>)