Quick update, the chicken, Shaky, hadn't been eating. Quite by accident, I found that she'll eat chick feed, so she's on that and is doing a bit better. I also did an online search for the vitamins and have found them in a drug store just a few miles from here. So as soon as I have the time, I'll be getting the vitamins. I just need to figure out a way to get them into her!
Seizures are pretty hard on a body, especially when they are frequent. I agree with putting her down, as it's incredibly hard to even find out why humans have seizures but to isolate the reason for a chicken would be nigh impossible. Meanwhile, she's having to go through this stress...can't be good for her and it can't feel good, it would be a mercy to put her down.
Quick update on Shaky. I've been so busy that I just didn't have time to do anything w/her. A couple weeks ago, she got into the garden-where she didn't belong since there's a few things planted. I tried to chase her out, no luck. I ended up catching her. Normally this would cause a seizure. She got a bit stiff, but that was it.
I had to go out to the pen late a couple of times. Normally I'd go out after dark and she'd be seizing. She was fine both times. I have seen her have 1 seizure lately, and it was very mild. Plus, she's back to laying eggs. So whatever was causing them seems to have pretty much cleared up.
Well, she started having more seizures, and I was seriously thinking of putting her down. But, out of the 3 chickens I had at home, she was the only one laying. I was planning on taking the other 2 to auction, then bringing home a couple more, then putting her down. Last night, something got her. I must have really been out of it since I heard nothing-the 1 neighbor did. I noticed a bunch of feathers this morning, so I went out and checked. There wasn't much left of her. Since she didn't roost, she was easy to get to.
The other 2 will still be going to the auction on Tuesday. I don't need the freeloaders. Then I'm going to do a bit of work to the house B4 bringing home any more birds. I'd been leaving the door to the house open since I'm not normally out there when they went in for the night. I'm going to have to start closing it. Since the floor is dirt, I'll be putting down pavers so nothing can dig their way in.