i think i'm going to borrow a nice pastured dairy cow and head to DC when this is debated. i'm going to sit in front of Congress and milk that cow and hand out free glasses to anyone who wants one.
and when i get arrested, i'm going to start an organic heirloom garden in prison. and i'm going to "sell" my veggies to the guards, who will love them so much that they help me escape in a laundry basket (like little orphan Annie).
But you better try selling that milk in order to get arrested, I don't think giving away to those who 'know the risks' is illegal.
Guess it depends on how messed up your state is.
Now doesn't cloture only mean that they have agreed to get ready to vote on the issue and that they are done talking? so the yea or nay really means nothing except that they want to get ready to vote?
Correct me if I am wrong. But just the motion to proceed with the bill passed not the bill it's self. Even then it would have to still go to the house and then the Pres.
So this actually hasnt been officiall voted on yet. Do we the people get to vote on this. Or is this one of the things they keep you from voting from..