Granny has never been a good driver. She had a 57 chevy and ROLLED it going too fast around a curve. She was fine but she cried over that car.
Great grandma used to tell the story about how they would get up early on mornings they had to pick tobacco (we did it all by hand, picked the lower leaves first and then came back later for the upper leaves once they were ready) and put rocks in the wood stove and then wrap them in quilts to keep their feet warm in the wagon on the way to the fields.
Granny told me that when they first built the house, her mamas house, there were mornings that you woke up and were covered in snow cause it blew through the cracks in the roof.
If your grandparents or great grandparents are around....videotape them or audio tape them telling family stories. They are totally different coming from firsthand knowledge than when they are passed down. It is a great project for you children. Have them write a list of questions and then just sit down and talk about them.
There is a cool book that my sister bought my is a place for them to write down interesting memories. It asks leading questions and is really nicely done. But taking videos is a good idea too.
My mom was remembering eating rabbit growing up and how it was a cheap meat source during the depression for a lot of people. That is part of why I decided to grow my own bunny meat. It is kind of an old family idea.
One time when my Papaw was hunting, he shot a squirrel and realized it had babies. He found the nest and brought those babies home. They bottle fed those babies. The little female soon died, but the male, Johnny, lived to be a grown squirrel. They would turn him loose in the house and he was a riot. Mama still has the piano where the ivory keys have his tooth marks in them. He chewed on a matchstick and caught the kitchen curtains on fire. That was when they decided it was time to let him go. He took right off but would come back to his little cage every evening. Then one day he didn't come back. The next year, he came back several times and after he finally stopped coming, Mamaw wouldn't let anyone hunt squirrels for several years.