Thanks everyone! It was a rough day yesterday to say the least. I'm still not over it, none of us are. Dolly has been in my backyard for almost 3 years. I'm ticked off at myself in more ways than one. Not having enough knowledge and not paying attention to them back when Sam was so sick aka sheep breeding season. My other ewe could possibly be bred as well, so I'm paying extra close attention to her right now. Thankfully she is spunky and eating well.
I had to type that info while it was fresh, or else I would forget it...even if I was tired and sad. I may have to use it one day and I didn't want to forget. There is not much sheep info out there.
I did forget one other way to "steal a cud"...this one is kinda funny, but would be the easiest.
If you know someone with a llama...
Put a bucket over a llama's face/muzzle and piss him/her off enough to spit. (What they spit out is cud.) The vet gave some ways to piss them off; if it is a boy, pinch him where the sun don't shine. If it is a girl, well, you kinda do the same thing. You get the idea. It may not work on the first try.
One last thing, when Dolly first went down I tried to move her. I had no other handle to use except her wool. Tufts of it fell out in the process. Although she did NOT have a fever at the vet's office, the vet said that when their wool is easily pulled out it means they recently had a fever.
oh BBH I am going to get some sheep tomorrow and I thought about you. It kinda scared me since I went through so close the same thing last month with my goat that passed. Only she died after birthing after I let her go too long without pulling. When I did pull it was too late. the two were born dead and the other was very weak and died a couple of days later and I lost the mother. Now here I am heading to the sheep farm....
I love my sheep. It was totally my fault Dolly got sick. I had a medical truma in my family and I couldn't give my flock my full attention for a few months. If it were not for my semi ignoring my mostly healthy, easy keepers, Dolly would have given birth to two healthy lambs. Life totally got in the way and I'm kicking myself in the pants for it.
I found mine on craigslist. I am getting a trio, ewe, lamb and ram for $240. They are Jacob's sheep. I tried to tell myself no. I remembered my poor doe, and told myself that I didn't need the extra mouths-as I was dialing the number!
I don't really see how it was your fault. You did what you could and acted when you saw somehting not right. You couldn't have known she was pregnant for sure and if you had it probably wouldn't have made any difference, i wouldn't think. It seems that she would have gotten sick anyway...