Power Conserver
I raised and showed dairy goats (mainly Saanens) almost all of my childhood, so I know all about what they are, the pros and cons, and so forth. I do not have any goats myself, but my mom and one sister do have goats still (my beloved herd died from accidental poisoning, they got into some prairie dog poison in my grandpa's truck, when I was in college and I've never had any since).
I am curious as to the differences/similarities between sheep and goats, because I've played with the idea of getting some sheep, and maybe some more goats- though I am reluctant, because goats ar hard to contain LOL Are sheep as hard to contain as goats? Are they as sweet and friendly, and do the bottle babies attach to you like a goat does? Also, I've heard of some sheep being good for milk- what breeds, are they still good wool producers, and how much milk do they produce?
I am curious as to the differences/similarities between sheep and goats, because I've played with the idea of getting some sheep, and maybe some more goats- though I am reluctant, because goats ar hard to contain LOL Are sheep as hard to contain as goats? Are they as sweet and friendly, and do the bottle babies attach to you like a goat does? Also, I've heard of some sheep being good for milk- what breeds, are they still good wool producers, and how much milk do they produce?