Got the t-shirt

I read about using L-lysine.
Any one??? Anything???

Livin, the next time you feel that tingle start, take some ear wax and put it on there. Just a little dab or smear is enough. I've used this for years and it works 100% of the time...I used to have some pretty bad cold sores. Some old lady told me about it and I'm thrilled to say that I tried it and love it..couldn't go to work as a nurse with an open and weeping cold sore on my lip/face, so this has saved me some days of pay and many days of misery.luvinlife offthegrid said:I haven't had shingles, but I frequently get cold sores, which is from the same virus. I apply Benadryl cream 2%. It eliminated the itch. I figured if it could dry up the oozing and weeping of poison ivy, it could work on that too. It helps a LOT. And they don't get as red and angry with the Benadryl. I also take a fever reducer like Tylenol when I have cold sores. For some reason, that helps too.
My doctor prescribe denovir for my cold sores. It's an antiviral cream. That didn't work for me any better than abreva did. I never refilled that script.
I also take l-lysine when I get them. I just follow the directions on the bottle, and use the higher dose bottle. Good luck. Maybe these treatments will work for shingles too?