

Sustainability Master
Nov 2, 2011
Reaction score
On the foot of Mt Rainier zone 8b
I had to pick up some Kirkland TP and paper towels for Mom. I'll take them down to her at Thanksgiving. She's been trying to get some for well over a month, but if you're not there at open when they get a shipment you're put of luck. And that's with enforced 1 item limits. We simply have more stores and the Business Center here. She'll be good for at least 7 months then.

We did get to see some idiot during the heat of summer with the water on limit one just load up a cart with cases. They seemed to expect that if they got to the front they could just use a self check out and buy it all. Hah. The computer will not allow that and there are employees watching. They threw a temper tantrum. Also something Costco doesn't deal with. They will refund your membership and ban you.

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
Reaction score
I heard something about ships anchored and I was told its because of the truckers being on strike. I was like...GOOD!!! Leave them out there.
But regarding some items being missing, I went to the Dollar Store with DH. I wanted milk and mushrooms but they were out of both. Fortunately the previous occupants of this house must have always picked up commodity foods and never used some because they had several bags of non-fat dry milk and I have been mixing it. DH is supposed to go fishing with a buddy soon and I told him to check the willow trees along the bayou for mushrooms because I don’t have any!!
Besides that I am mostly adapting to my new life post Ida. It took a while before we had stores open and we were having to dig through our rubble for whatever we could find. Then truckloads of supplies began to arrive and churches and the National Guard was distributing so now I have a bunch of bottled water, a few years worth of pasta, beans, canned food and toilet paper. I went 5 days without a tooth brush but let me tell you I have enough brushes and toothpaste and soap for the rest of my life I think. I am just looking at the supplies and making a conscious decision to use this stuff and only buy other things to go with the donations.
Beef is totally ridiculous. I was seriously thinking we should clean up a butcher shop belonging to DH’s deceased friend so we can just buy a steer but we making do by killing unwanted drakes, roosters and rabbits. I can’t believe someone is trying to outlaw a large part of my life. It’s like they want me to become an outlaw.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
Here, all is pretty good. There is less of some items, different brands and such. I have seen no limiting and rarely a "cart full of one thing" buyer. Overall. Level.

Prices, that's another story! Chicken is way above normal. Beef -- you need Brinks with you to carry enough cash to buy. Pork is up and down. I'm a person who has always kept supplies for more than a couple months, on hand. Hurricane country and a SS background make that so. I'm stocked on most meats...could use a little more beef and already have that on schedule to pick up from a grower.

No garden this yr, so light canning. But have plenty lids and foods from prior yr to use. This year I will add feeder pigs and meat chicks back to farm. Didn't need to do 2021 to finish last butcherings. 2022 will find me back in action with a larger meat raising and garden again. Set up for it, so not an issue. I do have a herd of dairy goats, flock of laying hens and so most shortages don't worry me. 🤗

Right now, main reason I see these things is because I go into various stores as part of my job. Not to shop. I do buy smoked pork because I love a good picnic shoulder and my home raised don't get smoked. Do make bacon, render lard, etc. Plus with goat milk I make yogurt, cheese, cream, sour cream, sometimes butter and soap. I'm also loaded with item that was not found for a while. I strive to be more SS. Love where I am in life. I am Blessed!
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Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
There is a community store not far and pretty much in "nowhereville" that has some excellent sales each month on meats. They do a lot of primal cuts with butchers on site to custom cut. Well last week I work out that way and picked up some chicken breasts, bone in/skin on, and a picnic shoulder. Had not tried their chicken but, haven't been happy with most name brands of late.

The shoulder was delish...still eating off that. Baked the chicken breasts to test. Wow. First time I've had some this good, since last couple I butchered. Not the flavorless, mushy things out there. Plus, both meats were selling at $1.19 #. Really excellent price.

Today was last day of sale, so I drove over and got 2 picnics and about 20# of breasts....felt proud for saving $. Got home to a really full freezer.

Thats it!! Only eating from home store now! :old 😁 :love
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Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
Local wally world stocked well this morning. Had cases of canning lids and I picked up 3 cases of Ball quart jars. Paper products aisles well stocked. All good this morning
Awesome! I may start looking around for Ball wide mouth quart jars. I filled all of mine this year!

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