Sustainability Master
This is me too! Right there with you @Mini Horses! Thankful for all I have and yes my young/green SS lifestyle/mindset will push me through thisbut agree I dont like it one bit and I do worry for those that havent prepared.
i don't worry about me as much as i worry for those being bombed and shot at.
i have it easy compared to them.
my whole life i have always lived as if the next moment i could leave. even right now. out the door and down the road. gone. i'm pretty sure my very young age and events were embedded into my psyche. i do not like change. i hate it. when we moved when i was four years old i hid under the counter where we kept the pots and pans. yes, i lived in the cupboard for months. i'd come out once in a while but i spent a lot of time in there. Mom asked some psychologist and he said i'd come out when i was ready. smart man. i've since then lived in a tiny attic without any issues. i didn't mind the smallness. back then i didn't know anything either about anything, i just knew that i didn't like change and i found a place where i felt ok. i'm sure that no matter what happens, i can do it again, over and over, because i've already done it at least a half dozen times not counting living on the road for a few years (in my car, tent camping and wandering around). i didn't have a home. i had a storage unit where i put my junk. most of it i still have. the car is gone though. yet i still don't feel trapped or annoyed. i guess.