SHTF - Information?

Shiloh Acres

Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 29, 2010
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Regarding the Storeys books, I think you answered a question I've had in mind. I love the livestock series. They are pretty comprehensive, IMO.

They recently got in a Storeys guide, I forget which exact title, but it was something of an encyclopedia of country living. It's at our Costco now. I was excited, but when I paged through it, what I seemed to see was a lot of "basic overview" kinds of information. A lot of it I already knew. What seemed to be missing were the nuts and bolts kinds of specifics.

Now, if you have no idea what you are doing, but MUST get it done, then that kind of book looks like a good starting place. Not totally useless by any means. But for me in the here-and-now, i'm mostly at the point where I have a few specific questions that need answering, either before I do the project, or after I do it to make sure I've got it right. And those kinds of things don't seem to be in there.

If it's life and death and you HAVE to do it, that's different from where I an now. I want to do it right the first time, to avoid wasted effort and resources. In a shtf situation, mistakes can at least equal a valuable bit of learning.

Guess I'm not asking a real question here. I once checked out a book from the library, not a Storeys, with a title like "Encyclopedia of Country Living" that was packed full of nuts and bolts kinda things. I think I wanna track down THAT book, as soon as I can be sure which exact book it was.

If I had the money I'd probably buy them all. But even the somewhat discounted Costco price for Storeys is probably better spent on used books more targeted to be useful to me. :)


Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
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This particular string has been getting me to think...a lot lately.

One of the things I notice is that while a number of folks talk about TSHTF, they mention the S, but never seem to give any opinion or theory as to exactly the S will consist of and/or how it will affect all of us. Yes, we all have the wish to be either more SS or completely SS as much as possible. Both concepts give one the utmost in self-confidence and does wonders to minimize or actually eliminate many of the worries/anxiety most humans tend to possess.

To that end, I would like to hear exactly what folks think comprises the S and exactly how they expect to interact with the rest of the folks in not only their immediate surroundings but those of their fellow countrymen and the world for that matter.

It is hard enough to imagine that we, who profess the ss life style tend to believe that we would become "islands" in a sea of suffering and disaster and in some way compare ourselves to the story of the "Ant and the Grasshopper." In some way however, I think we all tend to realize that such isolation from others (who did NOT prepare for an emergency albeit atmospheric {and thus short} or cataclysmic {such as nuclear disaster} and thus quite long) would probably not be very successful nor would we be able to deal with the "brave new world" we will face effectively without the fear of interference from many more others than we had anticipated.

I have done quite a bit of reading on the subject and studied this for quite a long time and while the media and the "gloom/doom"sday "prophets" tend to try to make us think that a nuclear holocaust would not be survivable, the convention thinking (which makes great sense and to which I subscribe) is that it truly would be for many.

The concept of TEOTWAWKI is rather vague. In order to consider the end of the world as we know it, I suppose it is important to consider the true definition of TWAWKI at least as it applies to each of us. It is a completely different thing to each of us.

If we talk about "TWAWKI" we might as well be somewhat more realistic about it and consider that many WILL survive simply because they are either prepared and in an area that is NOT decimated by the actual destructive forces themselves (such as being near ground zero) or just lucky enough not to be killed but left with nothing. What will they do? How will they respond to the cataclysm that has occurred?

It is believed that a 500 kt bomb (as opposed to the size of the one used in Hiroshima which was 15 kt) would destroy pretty much every thing for a radius of about 9 miles. That is all. Yes, I realize that the density of the population in such an area makes that a horrific thought but the fact is, even a nuclear weapon is limited as to how much destruction it can cause. The farther away from such a devastating event obviously then increases the chances of survival for many, radioactive fallout, radiation poisoning, etc. not withstanding.

What then? Do we imagine the "Government" will come and solve our problems? (does anyone think they will survive it, too? Hellooo, Hurricaine Katrina anyone?)

So, then my question remains, what do we(the SS) aspirants THINK will really happen and how do we expect to interact with what we imagine will be the changes caused by TEOTWAWKI.

Will we attempt to involute and hide from others who didn't prepare? Will we band together and attempt to protect each other from those who didn't prepare or those who just seize the opportunity to take it from those who did prepare? Will we be able to start society back up again so that life continues, albeit somewhat different than it had been up to the "singularity" that we predict?

So, I guess to summarize my question, "What do you think the S is made of?"

Enquiring minds want to know...mine is among them.
Best to all

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Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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The most likely source of "S" that I see in the immediate future is Weimar republic style hyper inflation.


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
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USDA Zone 3b/4a
No matter what the "S", I think pulling together as neighborhoods is our best option. I think small communities will have the best success.

Anyway, I started a Word document mostly because of the linked Table of Contents features. My Table of Contents is 4 PAGES long. And I barely have addressed anything.

I will just pick at it as things com to mind. Today was Food: Acorns. Soon to come, Food: Yeast. Would be so neat to never have to buy yeast again!


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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To me, the most basic "S" would be not being able to get food. That is why raising my own food is my priority in preparedness. And if the "S" never comes, I still like knowing where my food came from, that my eggs are from happy hens and the duck I had for dinner had a good life, etc.

I would hope that having a food source would become a good thing with which to barter and not just something for others to steal and eat. So with the exception of goats, we wanted to keep breeding stock of the livestock. But the goat bucks just stink too much!


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
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USDA Zone 3b/4a
I used to think this stuff was ridiculous, but I'm becoming a purist.

I'm thinking about what would people do when the regular SS ingedients (baking soda, washing soda, yeast, flour, vinegar, etc) are not available.

I'm learning a lot about WHAT these things are and where they come from.

Just entertaining my daydream over here... I'm thinking when I'm done with my research and feeling like I have nothing else to do, I should try doing an electricity fast. It wouldn't be perfect since my fiance would not be part of it. That means fridge and freezer would always run. So maybe a 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. electricity fast?


Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
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tortoise said:
I'm thinking about what would people do when the regular SS ingedients (baking soda, washing soda, yeast, flour, vinegar, etc) are not available.

I'm learning a lot about WHAT these things are and where they come from.
This is what we ALL might benefit from in the long run. Learning what the things are that keep us in the 20th Century. Many of these things brought us to the 19th century and folks did live well in those days.

There is a nice book called "Back to Basics". I used to have it but as they say, "Three moves is the same as a fire" :somad
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Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 13, 2008
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ICU somebody sezzz..."what kinda "S" are we talking about here"...Well , we have little S, Big S and anywhere in between S...
I agree with Tortoise, no matter the size " S "...when TSHTF...It will likely be wise to form small communities of like minded folks..I would also say the further from larger populations the better.In any event, thier will be no sure bets for anyone, no matter how we prepare..
I also agree with SavingDogs, i like raising and growing as much of my own food as possible, just so i know where it came from and have it handy. I don't have to totaly depend on the normal sources for this kinda food stuff...
So, it really doesn't matter what kinda "S" were talking about,when TSHTF, its more of a state of mind in dealing with any kinda "S" that comes our way....just my opinion...


Power Conserver
Aug 28, 2010
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Wow, never thought about it that way but "S" could be something as personal as an illness or the loss of a job.

I was always thinking it was more of a wide spread type of "S". My eyes are becoming more open every day from reading this forum!


Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 13, 2008
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Yep, the expression,TSHTF cannot be put into a neat little nutshell.For some people TS has already hit the terms of poor health, economic hardship and more...