sister got me sick! please help!


Lovin' The Homestead
Aug 6, 2010
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SW Idaho
I would like to know more about using the apple cider vinegar as a remedy for the trots. If anyone has any info, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.

Shiloh Acres

Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 29, 2010
Reaction score
I hope you're feeling better and not worse. I must say, I've been sick more this winter than in YEARS, but I am working with little kids.

One thing I would NOT do ... if the house is cool and you feel too hot, I would NOT strip down and lie on the floor. When you feel too hot, it's usually best to get under the covers anyway, and sweat it out. That's what I have found. Not fun, and not comfortable, especially with an upset stomach. :( But it usually works.

If it's a bug coming into the throat, I'd gargle with ACV if you can stomach it. Seems to kill whatever it touches, and that's a good way to head it off before you get it.

Early stage echinacea (purple coneflower) is good. It helps to lessen severity of symptoms and shorten duration. It also seems to prevent some illnesses, but it's really not good to take it long-term as a preventative. If you've already been sick more than 3 days or so at any time, I wouldn't bother with it, it's too late. The best echinacea herb is from various parts (root, aerial parts, etc) of more than one species.

Even better I'd say is vitamin C. If you can get a good source, even better. I usually take 1,000 mg. about every 3-ish hours. Your body can't utilize more than about 1,000 mg and it will just flush out, but a few hours later it can take more. That is probably the single best treatment for colds I know.

Ginger is my choice for upset stomach. Probiotics are also helpful for the stomach and general sickness. I think a lot of what affects the body actually happens in the gut.

For colds, so many things are good. Sometimes I find one thing works where another doesn't. Some of my favorites are garlic oil, oregano oil, and grapefruit seed extract (I use it rarely but it knocked out one that had hung on forever and was resistant to everything else).

Elderberry can be good, and cherry bark is good for coughs. For congestion in the lungs, I usually use a combination of boneset, fennel seed, fenugreek, horseradish, and mullein. At times I have used marshmallow (the herb, not the candy). ;) But raw honey is helpful to soothe the throat and help fight infection.

I second the eucalpytus-type salve on the chest, back, etc. You can also steam it in a machine or just boil a bit in water and inhale the steam (have to be careful with the heat not to burn yourself).

Get plenty of rest, and chicken soup (especially REAL chicken soup) is good ... any hot liquids can help too. Keep warm, drink lots. A good multi-vitamin/multi-mineral isn't a bad idea either, just so your body has what it needs.

And if your lungs get really bad, you may want to go to a doc. Antibiotics won't help a viral infection, which colds/flu will be, but if you develop a secondary bacterial infection they are usually needed. I finally fought off the one I had years ago that hung on for months, but it ended up changing my voice.

Oh, and I'm not saying you need ALL this stuff. ;) Generally I up the vitamin C with a little echinacea early-stage, get extra rest and fluids and keep warm, and that's often all I do. If it gets worse, I use whatever of the others I think I need. Just listed it all in case you have some handy and not others. :)

Hope you feel better!!!


Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
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Shiloh Acres said:
Get plenty of rest, and chicken soup (especially REAL chicken soup) is good ... any hot liquids can help too. Keep warm, drink lots. A good multi-vitamin/multi-mineral isn't a bad idea either, just so your body has what it needs.
Go to bed and get sleep. Healing happens during Stage IV sleep. Fluids are necessary. The more the better.

Fever is best managed with fluid volume...not temperature or medications.


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 11, 2010
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Texas Hill Country
Red Raspberry Leaf tea can help with both cramping nausea, and diarrhea. Seems to calm the intestinal cramping.

Chamomile and Peppermint are both soothing to an upset stomach also.

Nettle tea is good for boosting the immune system, and it is very nourishing, so it can help when you are sick enough that you can't eat much. Should NOT be used if you have an auto-immune disease - neither should echinacea (they can cause serious auto-immune flares).

Hops, and Calendula are anti-bacterial. Hops is the most awful tasting stuff, I kid you not. I've never tasted anything so foul in my entire life. But it works. Calendula has some bitterness to it, but not nearly so much.

Shiloh Acres

Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 29, 2010
Reaction score
Ah, I'm glad you mentioned the concern not to use echinacea with an auto-immune. I forgot that part.

And I didn't mean to imply hot fluids having anything to do with fever. I find the warmth helpful for sore throats. :)

I'm afraid I wasn't well-organized or very clear about symptoms -> herbs in my post. I'm fighting something that is off and on nasty myself. I thought I wasn't going to manage to drive myself home from work on Thursday -- one of the three worst headaches of my life and it is back today in a slightly lesser form.


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
Since you have a relative with asthma I would have a doctor check out that possibility with you as well.

I have a very low level asthma, worse at some times of the year than others. (like when the trees are pollinating) It has been responsible for me doing a lot of chronic coughing over the years, before I figured out what the problem was. When you live with untreated asthma over time it actually causes damage to the lungs. Part of the reason why these days I easily get bronchial infections and pneumonia.

I am all about natural cures when possible, just be sure you are not dealing with a major condition first.


Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
Reaction score
Never underestimate the value of the NETI POT. It has NO side effects, and can't cause an allergic reaction. What's more, it will reduce the exposure to inhaled allergens and dusts that cause symptoms and rinse out the debris from the sinuses when they are filled because of infection, beit viral or bacterial.
They've been used for thousands of years in India and Dr. Oz even demonstrated it on Oprah so you know it is OK, RIght?

It gives remarkable relief of sinus symptoms and runny nose. If you inhale steam first (like when you are in the shower and everything "opens up") you will get an even better result. The closer to bed time, the better you breathe during sleep, the better you sleep and the faster your immune system does its thing and you heal.

Hope you feel better soon.

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