Skin Cancer and Black Salve


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
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East Texas
There is an old man locally who treats skin cancers. He learned from his father and the knowledge goes back for generations. He does not charge, but you can "donate" whatever you desire and he accepts it. It is a good system for people who do not have the money to spend, or who mistrust modern medicine. over thirty years ago, my own father had a cancer on his lip and was treated for it with black salve by the old man's father. The cancer turned white, drew up and fell out over a few days. Then it healed up. My parents gave the man $40.00

My husband had a cancer above his cheek, under his eye. It was the size of his thumbnail. His doctor was going to charge us $5000.00 to cut it out. The cutting out part scared my husband more than the $5000.00 did. This old man came in where DH works, saw his cancer and offered to treat him. My husband came home, told me about it and I convinced him to try it. The old man came back to his work, applied the black salve and covered it with a bandaid. My husband could feel it drawing all over his face. The next morning, his eye was swelled shut, his face itched and he wanted to claw his face. Poor DH was really freaked out. We waited 24 hours to take the salve off, the cancer spot was white. We kept it covered with antibiotic ointment and a bandaid. It took about 10 days for the cancer to come out. It was marble sized with hair like things all over it, which was the roots DH could feel drawing up. Then DH had another concern, there was a marble sized hole in his face. He is a handsome man and wanted to stay that way, so he was worried. We kept the spot covered and applied ointment to it. It healed up and now there is barely a scar to show that it was ever there.

I had a skin cancer come up on my nose and we went to see the old man. Same thing, got a bit of black salve and a bandaid. The cancer was a tiny pin head, but a spot the size of my little fingernail turned white and in time, came out and healed up. I have sent other people to him with the same results. People from surrounding counties come to this old man to be treated. It is a word of mouth thing, as practicing "medicine" is a touchy thing. For $20 or whatever you think it is worth, your skin cancer goes away. And because the black salve kills the roots too, it does not come back.

The black salve is made with bloodroot and several other plants. I found another healer that makes it and sells it and bought a small pill bottle sized container of it for $60. I have had it for about a year and I got another skin cancer on my nose. This time I smeared a patch of my nose and not only the pin head cancer I was targeting turned white, but several other spots as well. They were the size of blackheads, just tiny little spots that were destined to get big and act up some day.

Has anyone else ever been treated with black salve?


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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WOW - do you know what type of cancer they were? A couple of years ago I had a basal cell carcinoma on my arm cut off, but if another pops up I'd like to find out about that salve.


Power Conserver
Jul 24, 2012
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I would love to know where you got this also. My dad gets small ones that pop up on his ear. He is older and its more annoying to him than anything but after the cutting its a very painful and long recovery for him because of diabetes. He just does not heal up from the cutting very quickly. Wonder how well this would work for him.


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
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East Texas
frustratedearthmother said:
WOW - do you know what type of cancer they were? A couple of years ago I had a basal cell carcinoma on my arm cut off, but if another pops up I'd like to find out about that salve.
Without going to the doctor for a true diagnosis, no I don't know what kind of cancers they were. The neat thing about this salve, if there is no cancer, the salve does not do anything. It only acts on skin cancers. It is hard to find someone who has the salve or makes it. It is sort of an underground thing. Here is a cure for skin cancer that you can't go to the doctor to get because it is natural plant ingredients and cannot be patented, so no big pharma recognition or endorsement. this is an e-book that has some good info

Some people take this stuff internally, I would never do that. And I read about how people apply bloodroot salve for days to the skin where there are internal tumors. I don't think I would do that. I stick to the 24 hour application to skin cancers only.

The person I bought my vial of salve from was run out of the country in the early 80's by the Feds. He went to Mexico and set up a chelation treatment clinic. He cured cancer with IV solutions containing hydrogen peroxide, liquid vitamin c, magnesium and other trace elements. I know this because his neice is a friend of mine. After her doctors sent ther home to die of lung cancer, she went to her uncle. She had 6-9 months to live. Her uncle had retired and came back to Texas, but he mixed her IV liquid. She had to find someone to administer her IV 3 times a week. That was 3 years ago. Her tumor died, shrunk, she got off the oxygen bottle and she is healthy and alive now. Here again, the ingredients are not patented, big pharma cannot reap the dollars from it, so this process is illegal in the US.


Sustainable Newbie
Dec 15, 2012
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baymule said:
.....t is hard to find someone who has the salve or makes it. It is sort of an underground thing.....
Lehman's carries it as do many Mennonite and Amish owned stores.

They call it union salve but it is black salve.

We use if for cuts, bug bites, burns, etc.


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
LittleBear said:
baymule said:
.....t is hard to find someone who has the salve or makes it. It is sort of an underground thing.....
Lehman's carries it as do many Mennonite and Amish owned stores.

They call it union salve but it is black salve.

We use if for cuts, bug bites, burns, etc.
Little Bear, is it a bloodroot based salve?

luvinlife offthegrid

Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 2, 2011
Reaction score
This from the lehmans website re:union salve...

Made by a small family company here in Ohio, it's an old-time remedy that rural folk have trusted for years. In fact, Amish families across the country keep some in the cabinet.
Helps soothe and heal minor burns, sunburns, skin irritations and the bites of non-poisonous insects
Contains petroleum, lanolin, castor oil, mineral oil, carbolic acid, pine tar and paraffin wax
3-1/2 oz jar lasts a long time

luvinlife offthegrid

Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 2, 2011
Reaction score
Wow. I did se googling too, and saw some pretty horrendous photos of some people who it that stuff (or a version of black salve) on their noses and... Wow. Don't know if I'd put that stuff on my face.

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