Always doing laundry
We skin ours too....we have some requests for whole birds this year so it looks like we're gonna have to deal with it. 
If you have an extra refridgerator that helps a lot. If not, clean out the fridge the night before and make lots of room for the meat to age. We only did about 6 at a time. We hung all ours on a pole over the fire pit and cut the heads off at the same time. I have a pic somewhere.....
found it! We hung them on a piece of metal conduit and zip tied their feet together above the rod so they would hang....this is pre-slaughter.
If you have an extra refridgerator that helps a lot. If not, clean out the fridge the night before and make lots of room for the meat to age. We only did about 6 at a time. We hung all ours on a pole over the fire pit and cut the heads off at the same time. I have a pic somewhere.....
found it! We hung them on a piece of metal conduit and zip tied their feet together above the rod so they would hang....this is pre-slaughter.