So is the s*%t starting to hit the fan for you?


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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Many Americans feel they are exclusive. As in we are special in the eyes of God. Because of this the country tends to not know a thing about the rest of the world.
Some feel special because America is the only country founded on the principle of individual freedom.


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 23, 2009
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Wifezilla said:
Many Americans feel they are exclusive. As in we are special in the eyes of God. Because of this the country tends to not know a thing about the rest of the world.
Some feel special because America is the only country founded on the principle of individual freedom.
There are many who would disagree with that statement. :)

Both on the grounds that America (as many other nations) has never guaranteed individual freedom for every individual (think back through your history about the rights of Native Americans, Black slaves, Chinese/Italian/Irish immigrants, women, gays...) and also on the grounds that America was originally founded as a group of British colonies (as was Canada, and as many other New World nations were colonized by other European naval powers)--and like those other colonial holdings it fought first for self-determination and separation from the mother country, and then passed laws/decrees regarding the rights of its citizens.

Most other nations enshrine the very same rights that are so valued by Americans in their constitutions or other national decrees/documents. Wars and civil wars have been fought all over the world for thousands of years over those rights. It's not exclusive to America. :)

Just sayin' :)


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 10, 2010
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Gobles Michigan
I don't doubt that everyone in every country is underinformed, misinformed and flat out lied to from all the mainstream media outlets. None of us can trust what we see on the local news, world news or financial news stations. If you doubt that just take the time to look up who owns the media.
To get back to the OP our local news reported that burglerys and aggravated assaults were up 9% y/o/y and I don't doubt that even those numbers were fudged to make it seem that things are better than they are.
Last year every barn and outbuilding in a five mile radius was broken into 1 (I repeat)1 time. Typical smash and grab. Took whatever they could carry and never came back. Neighbors in my area now keep everything under lock and key. (in my opinion that only keeps the honest people out)
I'm in a rural area where most people never thought to lock up at night. Now they keep their doors locked 24/7. Whether they are home or not.
I do a lot of service work for local home builders and they have their good delivered the day they plan to use them as they don't want them sitting out unprotected overnight.
The majority of crime seems to be escalating in the nearby cities and I'm sure it will just be a matter of time before it bleeds out further and further into the rural communities.
It may not have hit the fan here but it is starting to splatter this way.
Trust me, I am well prepared to hunker down and defend my property should the need arise.
Good luck to all of us.


On Vacation
Sep 24, 2010
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moolie said:
Wifezilla said:
Many Americans feel they are exclusive. As in we are special in the eyes of God. Because of this the country tends to not know a thing about the rest of the world.
Some feel special because America is the only country founded on the principle of individual freedom.
There are many who would disagree with that statement. :)

Both on the grounds that America (as many other nations) has never guaranteed individual freedom for every individual (think back through your history about the rights of Native Americans, Black slaves, Chinese/Italian/Irish immigrants, women, gays...) and also on the grounds that America was originally founded as a group of British colonies (as was Canada, and as many other New World nations were colonized by other European naval powers)--and like those other colonial holdings it fought first for self-determination and separation from the mother country, and then passed laws/decrees regarding the rights of its citizens.

Most other nations enshrine the very same rights that are so valued by Americans in their constitutions or other national decrees/documents. Wars and civil wars have been fought all over the world for thousands of years over those rights. It's not exclusive to America. :)

Just sayin' :)
Yep. Feel free to keep on teaching. There's many countries that have the same personal freedoms as us. We just happen to have the biggest economy and the strongest military.


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 23, 2009
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moolie said:
I believe that it is far better to think positively and be responsible for my own actions as they relate to the planet and to others on it. Stockpile and seclude yourselves if you feel it necessary, but I think too much of that occurs at a loss to society as a whole. If something big is coming, I believe we all need to work together in community in order to deal with it.
(My point of view on "the sky is falling", in case you missed it.) Life isn't a contest. Community is a beautiful thing, people working together instead of against one another.

Perhaps the economic uncertainty, rising crime rates, and general fears reported above have something to do with how Americans generally respond to crisis? And to outsiders?

I sense that outside opinions aren't welcome in this discussion, so I'll leave you to it.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 10, 2010
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Gobles Michigan
moolie said:

moolie said:
I believe that it is far better to think positively and be responsible for my own actions as they relate to the planet and to others on it. Stockpile and seclude yourselves if you feel it necessary, but I think too much of that occurs at a loss to society as a whole. If something big is coming, I believe we all need to work together in community in order to deal with it.
(My point of view on "the sky is falling", in case you missed it.) Life isn't a contest. Community is a beautiful thing, people working together instead of against one another.

Perhaps the economic uncertainty, rising crime rates, and general fears reported above have something to do with how Americans generally respond to crisis? And to outsiders?

I sense that outside opinions aren't welcome in this discussion, so I'll leave you to it.
Borders mean nothing. I have been halfway around the world and people are still people. SS has a small community of people, BYC has a small community of people, Facebook has a large community. IMHO There is no such thing as an outside opinion in a global community.
That is what the internet is.... A global community.
I do work with others in my local community ( the breakins I spoke of weren't reported on the news they were reported neighbor to neighbor) and I'm sure everyone does in some way but it would be pretty difficult for you and I to swap eggs for bacon.
Now I'm getting off topic which is ... Is it starting to hit the fan... for you.


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 23, 2009
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For me personally, I suppose that it has "hit the fan" many times in my life.

Most recently my husband was out of work for the first half of 2010 (actually was laid off/down-sized on December 1st 2009--nice Christmas present) but we managed to eke our way through those months by taking whatever jobs we could find (factory/warehouse and temp work) until he found a new job. We totaled our savings and line of credit and are trying to work our way back into the black. But again, we were fine, didn't lose our house, and we're working to get back out of debt.

I truly mean what I said about thinking positively.

The best piece of advice my Dad gave me just before we got married was to make sure we took "time to LIVE life". So, no matter our personal circumstances we have taken that advice. And we've made sure to do unto others, to give back, to extend mercy and love to those in need--because no matter how little we've had in the eyes of society, there is always someone who has far less that we have.


On Vacation
Sep 24, 2010
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moolie said:

moolie said:
I believe that it is far better to think positively and be responsible for my own actions as they relate to the planet and to others on it. Stockpile and seclude yourselves if you feel it necessary, but I think too much of that occurs at a loss to society as a whole. If something big is coming, I believe we all need to work together in community in order to deal with it.
(My point of view on "the sky is falling", in case you missed it.) Life isn't a contest. Community is a beautiful thing, people working together instead of against one another.

Perhaps the economic uncertainty, rising crime rates, and general fears reported above have something to do with how Americans generally respond to crisis? And to outsiders?

I sense that outside opinions aren't welcome in this discussion, so I'll leave you to it.
The way you put a ? mark after teaching, leads me to believe you took it as offensive. That is not the case at all. Teaching is imparting knowledge to others. Your opinion is very welcome. Outside views are needed.

The United States is in a period of transition. Portions of our biggest sector, the middle class are going away. Our standard of living is dropping so that other countries standard of living may rise. It's a hard pill to swallow. We don't have any control over it, even through our most sacred rights. The right to vote and to free speech. It's something new to us. So yes there's a lot of blame and fear going around.


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 23, 2009
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Not offended, just confused--I didn't take your meaning. Tone of voice often doesn't come across well in type. :)

I saw your comments about "biggest economy" (although I'm sure the EU would disagree ;)) and "the strongest military" as posturing in reply to my comments about how others view America. Please forgive me if that was not your intent.

And I'm be no means trying to "teach" anyone anything, just trying to offer my thoughts/explain where they come from since the majority here are American and I am not.

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