So we went car shopping today.....

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Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Aly you did a way better job than I did when I went hunting for vehicles!!! Congrats! And you are right....its always nice to have a spare that you can haul the kids in. If you have a van and it breaks down, you can't haul the kids in a truck, if you have a truck and it breaks down you can't haul livestock in your of us have, but that's beside the point! :lol:

You could even get farm use tags for that truck and save on your insurance big time. I think you can take it 25 mi. from home with farm tags.

You are sooooooo lucky to have a husband who can fix cars! I'm envious! :D

You will find that the SUV will bring your insurance up a tad, as they consider those "sport vehicles" and swear up and down you will do more dangerous things since you now own a vehicle to "sport" around in! :rant


Mountain Man
Feb 27, 2009
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In the woods with the critters
miss_thenorth said:
Quail--tak this with a grain of salt if you wish, but...... If it were me, I would not spend anything until you got that 7 pass. van running. If it has been sitting for a couple of years, what you think needs to be done to get it running, will just be the beginning. There is ALWAYS more that need to be done to get it road ready. so spend what you need on that first.

Once that is up and running, look at a truck if that is what you want. (makes sense--farms and trucks go together). Then buy one of them and get that road ready. /whenever looking at an older vehicle, you know that money needs to be spent for the safety.

I would seriously hate to see you spend all the nmoney onew vehicles and then not have any money left over to get them on the road etc.

Also,--didn't you say you didn't drive much anyways? why would you need three vehicles if you don't drive?

Again, as I said--take with a grain of salt, but those are my thoughts.
Grain of salt?

I thought your approach was solid. A well planned, thought out idea to what can happen, and what might happen.

Let me tell you about the my first welder, not person, machine.

I had bid this job, knowing I needed a welding machine. Seemed good enough, so I purchased that mig welder. I lost the bid, but had already purchased the mig welder. That purchase put my books in the red, but I had a mig welder.

But the mig welder I bought wasn't going to pay the mortgage. I tried to explain to DW how I could now grow the business with this new mig welder. Less than a week later, I had to scrap perfect copper to make my mortage payment.

I could have made a lot more money selling products from the copper that I had to scrap. But I had a mig welder, one that I ate. It wouldn't have paid for itself for the next nine jobs, but it did on the tenth, a year later.

I don't know, being ss, I try every way in the world not to spend a dime.

I know by posting my response some one will say " you don't know what it's like to do without! " Yes I do, have a look at my journal, I wouldn't spend 4k on things I didn't have verses things I needed.

Hey, take my advice with a grain of salt.


Frugal Homesteader
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
SW Ontario, CANADA
Grain of salt?

I thought your approach was solid. A well planned, thought out idea to what can happen, and what might happen.

I say grain of salt, mainly b/c I don't want to offend or come off as a country-know-it-all.

In my past experience, when vehicles are left to sit--even for three months--they deteriorate very quickly, parts rust, so what was once "just new brakes, now turns into new drums, rotors, brake lines. exhaust will rust, therefore needing to be replaced. alternators, cables, plugs, all fluids, battery, and on and on.

Also, with only two drivers, two vehicles are more than enough, imo. If one breaks down, you'd have the money to fix it. If dh has his surgery, you would still have two vehicles to choose from. Even with just liability, at least in Canada, it's $700 per vehicle. times that by three- 10% multi car discount. And you still get a discount for having just two.

but again, jsut throwing it out there. I realize this is just my way of reasoning, and I'm sure you know what's the best way to spend your money, so I'll just shut up now.


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Guys, really, I apprecaite all the advice, and miss_thenorth, I understand your reasoning, but I have NO mortgage payment, no debt at all other than monthly utilities.

I'm not spending $4K on 2 vehicles, not sure I've ever spent that much on a single used vehicle.

I really don't think I should have to rationlize mine and DH's way of doing things. I'm tired of every time I post something we do, I get questioned on why and am told what we should do instead of what we are doing.

I dunno why I even post anything here anymore.

Thanks ya'll.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
Also, with only two drivers, two vehicles are more than enough, imo.
I can tell by Quail's response that she hadn't solicited opinions and was quite shocked to garner some from people who do not know her personally, as well as those who felt free to call her "dumb", of all things.

There are no words, really, for this kind of response to a simple post about car purchases. I'm saddened by the tenor of the posting of late and how quick folks are to jump another member out of the blue, unprovoked and unsolicited. :(


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Garden Zone 8A Texas
I agree, Bee. It seems some people can't just be happy for someone else's good fortune.

My mom used to say if you can't say anything nice - just go to your room, and don't say anything at all.
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