i_am2bz said:This seems completely bizarre! Where is it written in state law that you can't keep an unloaded gun inside your own home? What would be the grounds for confiscating it??~gd said:the cops told me that I couldn't keep my unloaded shot gun near my door and they would take it if they saw it again. For short range personal protection they suggested one of those aerosol wasp sprays that will throw a steady stream about 10 yards.I was first told it could be taken under "causing terror in the street' but that charge is usually thrown out because there was no terror caused. I suguest you look in the fine print dealing with declared disasters. The SOBs even took away the right to drive and threw a cerfew (sp) that said that you could not be outside your house between sunset and sunrise! this was all for our own safety of course. what really burned me up is they set up check points just out side the disaster area and the fat.. oops i mean well reared officers would take first shot at the food being cooked and brought in by the church ladies who were trying to feed the real victims. At lease one woman objected to the well reared deputy that was going through her basket like he was starving to death [heck the salvation army had donuts 50 feet from where he was standing] if anyone reading this is a LEO or the spouse of a LEO I am sorry but they re-earned the PIG nickname this time She was cuffed but supposedly not arrested for the protection of the officer. one of the bystanders was a county commisioner and he got on the Sheriffs hot line the sherrif called the officer in charge on site and everyone disappeared out of site. This took place on saturday, sunday morning 5 churches asked people to "pray for our police officers and other sinners" that got talked about for a while and maybe remembered come election time. about this time the phones started working again as someone replaced the downed cell tower. Some of use less holy types raised enough money to rent a giant pink pig and parked it across the street from the sheriffs office and the local newspaper wanted to know the story behind that. Those LEOs were getting overtime for being there and they spent the time going throug meals meant for the vitiums PIG PIG PIG.
And their method didn't work the looters were coming in on ATVs the LEOs were not patroling and were just depending on the checkpoints to stop them. we would spot the looters and call it in and by the time they got a car from the check point the ATV would be back in the woods where the cars couldn't follow. One of the mounted officers did make a arrest he hid out in a garage and tracked a group into the woods at a horse walking pace. he caught one group going thru their loot thinking they were safe and had to walk themout to a road where a car could pick him up. when National Night Out was held our LEOS were told that they would only be accepted if they brought the horse They did and we made nice but some us will never forget~gd
Personally, we don't have kids, & NO one walks into our home unannounced, not even the inlaws. That being said, I hope & pray I never, ever feel the need to point my gun at anyone. :/