Soap and lotion supplies!?


Almost Self-Reliant
Feb 24, 2009
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Central Pennsyltucky
Lol. Those two are incredibly expensive. There are others that are super expensive as well, but I tend to avoid them. For EO's, you have to get the hang of them before deciding expenses... A lot of people don't like mint EO's because of the expense, but when you use them, you only use a fraction of the amount that you'd use for an FO, and the cost per USE is actually very similar.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
pinkfox said:
after seeing the price of chamomile and catnip Esential oils, i might have to make my own first LOL.
almost $150 for 2oz of roman chamomile...realy now?!
If you're using really good quality oils they'll go farther, too. For the same quantity of oil from that company you'd be paying almost double from the company I use, though I'd hazard that you might not need near as much of it in order to achieve the desired affect.


Enjoys Recycling
Jun 13, 2012
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pinkfox said:
were do you get yours. im having some real issues with store bought soaps and lotions lately and want to make my own...(and mabe eventually make some to sell) so im loking for a source for all the ingredients. im planning on starting simple and going for lotion, bath salts ect first and working up to soap, but i need a god source for the base oils, essential oils ect...

I made my own solid lotion because I am rocking the baby belly and for the amount I spent on lotion I figured why not learn to make my own. I got my supplies off amazon...I got a pound each of organic beeswax and organic coco butter, I already had the coconut oil. The prices were just a touch higher than butters-n-bars but I got free shipping so it probably evens out. The good news is that it was super easy a little goes a looooong way! I am having so much fun making my own stuff. I wish I had not been so intimidated by it before. I want to start doing my own soaps as well. With a baby on the way, I am really interested in making things that are good for the little one.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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lol, couldnt belive the price, on the chamomile...i know it takes alot of flowers but it more expensive than rose oil and thats one of the hardest EO's to make...

right now ive got my mind on a bug relif formular which will be catnip, citronella and Greanium...
a healing/refreshing blend of lemon balm, mint and Teatrea
i want a relaxing/before bed/ when i have a migrane formular...which would have been the lavender chammomile, but now im thinkgin something to replace the chammomile...thoughts?

and then i want a "signature scent" needs to be a "think Pink"...thinking peony...that one doesnt nessicarily have to have any kind of EO benefits, i just want something to use when m going out or want to feel "pretty"

im also looking into essential oils and such that break down cellulite and help tighten/firm the skin...i have so much excess skin that i wat something i can use on the area i wnt be having surgery to try and help get thigns a little less saggy lol...i now coffee helps with cellulite breakdown...but im being told patchouli oil might be a good way to go? patchouli and coffee...hmmm, not sure about that lol.


Almost Self-Reliant
Feb 24, 2009
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Central Pennsyltucky
DrHoverbottom said:
I made my own solid lotion because I am rocking the baby belly and for the amount I spent on lotion I figured why not learn to make my own. I got my supplies off amazon...I got a pound each of organic beeswax and organic coco butter, I already had the coconut oil. The prices were just a touch higher than butters-n-bars but I got free shipping so it probably evens out. The good news is that it was super easy a little goes a looooong way! I am having so much fun making my own stuff. I wish I had not been so intimidated by it before. I want to start doing my own soaps as well. With a baby on the way, I am really interested in making things that are good for the little one.
No soap is really good for an infant. Use plain water. When the babe gets older, you can use homemade soaps on, so long as they're a gentler formula. :) I wouldn't try anything before a year of age though, just because of how delicate their skin is.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Ok, if you're finding chamomile for MORE than you pay for rose, I would NOT be using those oils. Rose is extremely expensive, one of the most expensive oils out there, and for you to find chamomile that costs more, something just isn't right. I'd stick with the high quality stuff - after all, that is the point of making your own products - to improve the quality of the items, and know with confidence what is soaking into your skin. Using poor quality oils would defeat the purpose of all of that.

In the US, an essential oil is only required by law to have 5% of the name of the oil on the bottle to be sold legally as an essential oil. So that bottle of chamomile or rose could only contain 5% of actual chamomile or rose oil and the rest may be carrier oil or other fragrances. I have compared the oils that I use next to other oils, and the quality of the smell is completely different. And the results are in what the oils can do to heal the body, which is an added benefit for a project like this.

For sleepy time you might try Ylang Ylang, or even Valerian or Spikenard. The latter two have odd scents, so you'll need to find something to pair them up with to make them pleasant, but any one of those oils would be good for a relaxing/sleepy type of scent.

As for cellulite busting look through my links for the "Nutty Butt Butter" that came off of Crunchy Betty's blog. That sounds exactly like what you are looking for to market.

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