Solar Storms and the 2012 Prophecy


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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k0xxx said:
On Our own said:
Well tomorrow is supposed to be the day for the next flare.

Anyone doing anything special?? Lead lined box for your computers??
According to the Joint USAF/NOAA Report of Solar and Geophysical Activity 24 October 2010, "The geomagnetic field is expected to be at mostly unsettled levels on days one and two (25 -26 October) due to coronal hole effects. Day three (27 October) will see quiet to unsettled levels as the coronal hole effects subside."

Nothing to worry about. :)
Nothing to worry about? thats what all that translated to you as?
OK. I'll take few deep breaths as well as your interpetation for I have no clue what unsettled levels and coronal hole effects mean.


Sustainable Newbie
May 27, 2010
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Just throwing in my info on the subject regarding the Mayan Calendar. (as a mayan descendant). The Mayan prophecy about 2012 is in much debate- but for the most part the scholars and curanderos and indigenous historians believe that the 2012 prophecy has been mistranslated.

In short- the belief is that 2012 will bring a change in the way people relate to each other. It is meant to believe that the prophecy talks about an awakening or change of thought. An end of an era is meant to relate to the way people conduct themselves among humanity and with each other. An enlightening.

Like many languages the Aztec and Mayan writings are more left brained-- they speak metaphorically.
There are many beliefs strongly held by many contemporary Mestizo/ Mexican/ Latin people that have mistranslated throughout the millenia. Beliefs that many women and men of that culture follow today.
For example: The Aztec people understood that there were many illnesses that were airborne and carried via bacteria in the air. For this reason they wrote in a metaphorical sense that newborn babies should be kept away from people to avoid giving them "ojo" or "illness". (ojo refers to many different variations of illness, envy, nervousness, etc).

Of course the right brained Europeans misinterpret the belief that by staring at a baby you could "curse" the baby.

Simply put- The Aztec knew that a newborn's immune system was vulnerable and the mother was vulnerable as well. Both mother and child needed time to bond and the mother needed time to recuperate to ensure that she is able to breastfeed her child.
Bringing numerous people around the child and mother in their vulnerable state would increase the chances of their contracting and infection or virus.
Thus the belief that newborn's should not be exposed to outside persons for the first few days.

I can think of this example and many more that have been passed on through the generations.

I work in Curandera healing and carrying on the traditions of my people. But it's so important to really understand and study the history of the belief and or mind set before setting forward on an action of intent.

I hope this helps put a little different view on the prophecy. It seems like such a daunting looming "thing" THE PROPHECY--- ooooh. :)

I don't know very much about the solar flares situation, but I do believe in energy preparedness.

Hope that helps.



Mr. Sunshine
Sep 10, 2008
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North Arkansas
Mackay said:
k0xxx said:
On Our own said:
Well tomorrow is supposed to be the day for the next flare.

Anyone doing anything special?? Lead lined box for your computers??
According to the Joint USAF/NOAA Report of Solar and Geophysical Activity 24 October 2010, "The geomagnetic field is expected to be at mostly unsettled levels on days one and two (25 -26 October) due to coronal hole effects. Day three (27 October) will see quiet to unsettled levels as the coronal hole effects subside."

Nothing to worry about. :)
Nothing to worry about? thats what all that translated to you as?
OK. I'll take few deep breaths as well as your interpetation for I have no clue what unsettled levels and coronal hole effects mean.
Basically, a coronal hole is an area of less dense and cooler plasma and can affect the suns' magnetic field lines. These magnetic field lines can carry solar winds, and these winds can have an affect on the earths' magnetic field.

Forecasters classify magnetic disturbances into six levels. Rising in intensity from the weakest to the most severe, they are: quiet; unsettled; active; minor (geomagnetic) storming; major storming and severe storming.

We had a coronal hole on the side of the sun facing the earth and it has now rotated away from us. The solar winds have have left the earths' magnetic field in an unsettled (one step above quite) condition. "Nothing to worry about". :)

Old Sew'n'Sew

All Strings Considered
May 6, 2010
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North Central WV
:frow I have been keeping up on this thread facinating stuff, very scientific. :pop
Just throwing in my info on the subject regarding the Mayan Calendar. (as a mayan descendant). The Mayan prophecy about 2012 is in much debate- but for the most part the scholars and curanderos and indigenous historians believe that the 2012 prophecy has been mistranslated.
Thank you ES for this clarification! And welcome, I have been sceptical of the interpretation of "the prophecy " because I am a student of the Bible and even that very respected book gives no specific date only signs.

The case in point of misunderstanding would be the word" Apocalypse" which has been borrowed from the Bible, the meaning of the word is the same as Revelation which is simply "to reveal". It has been applied to all kinds fearsome scenarios such as asteroids, nuclear holocausts, pandemics, end of the world scenarios, thats not what the revelation is about however, as it clearly "reveals" that an old way of life will be ending and a new start for mankind, and the world will be saved not destroyed.

The solar storms are a natural function of the star that gives us all life and I am not disturbed by the prospect of living without electronic devices, people have done that for millenia. There will be no fear in the new world of mankind, the prophecies also "reveal" this!
See the Bible Revelation 21: 3,4 :ya

On Our own

Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 21, 2009
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Hey Eggspudition, thank you for giving me a better reason for my belief that what they meant was a new age a turning.... Even the phrase "the End of the World as You Know It" can mean many, many different things.

I believe in emergency preparedness. I also believe that we are in line for civil unrest of some sort with concurrent supply issues of things like food and energy. If those things happen it will be the end of the world as "I" know it.

For that matter it was the end of the world as I knew it when my mother died, but the vast majority of the universe took no notice..... :rolleyes:

Personally, the world I know could use some serious shaking up. My worry is how bad will the shaking feel, how long will it last, and what will come out the other side?? Shaking up does not always lead to things being better. That is simply one option.......


Sustainable Newbie
May 27, 2010
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Thanks for welcoming me-- Happy that my little nugget of knowledge could help. :)


Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
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EggSpudition said:
For example: The Aztec people understood that there were many illnesses that were airborne and carried via bacteria in the air. For this reason they wrote in a metaphorical sense that newborn babies should be kept away from people to avoid giving them "ojo" or "illness". (ojo refers to many different variations of illness, envy, nervousness, etc).

Simply put- The Aztec knew that a newborn's immune system was vulnerable and the mother was vulnerable as well. Both mother and child needed time to bond and the mother needed time to recuperate to ensure that she is able to breastfeed her child.
Bringing numerous people around the child and mother in their vulnerable state would increase the chances of their contracting and infection or virus.
Thus the belief that newborn's should not be exposed to outside persons for the first few days.

I don't know very much about the solar flares situation, but I do believe in energy preparedness.
I am interested to know more about the Aztec knowledge of bacteria and viruses as well as the human immune system. In particular I would be very interested in learning how they acquired such knowledge.

This knowledge came to modern (Western) man only through the painfully :he slow progress of the many areas of science starting with the invention of the microscope and Von Leewenhoek. Knowledge of bacteria didn't happen until Louis Pasteur. OK so we are slow learners...

Of more importance is how they managed that knowledge and what they did to deal with those hazards.

As for energy preparedness...I agree with Eggspudition. It is wise to BE PREPARED.

Anxiously awaiting a reply.
Trim sends


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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What you said is what I have been saying... except that I have been showing people the whole gammut of what the prophecy means to different people....I like to look at all sides of every coin.

But there is more to the prophecy.... yes it is a turning... and a revelation.

But this turing, this change in consciousness that is predicted to occur is based on astronomical events... it is marked by astronomical events thats how they know when to look for this great change in humanity about to occur.

Many occult teachings have been talking about this for a long goes back the furthest in the study of the Kali Yuga from ancient Vendanta or Upanisads from ancient India. There they measured time also and came up with just about identical results to the Mayan.

According to ancient writings in India we are in the process now of crossinygthe galactic center. It happens every 26,000 and some odd years. With this crossing the energetic vibration of the planet changes and it affects all life here, including human consciousness.
This is all linked up with the second coming of Christ... for it is a Chirst like consciouness that is anticipated that is to start to enter the minds of people everywhere.

It will be a revelaton or apocolypse as stated in another post. It is time for ALL teachings to be revealed. For all minds to start to awaken... for greater and more advanced levels of communication to develop within the human form. For an opening of the heart. Athough much is anticipated about the excelleration of the capabilities of the mind, it is in the heart, the ability to give and receive love that the greatest change will occur.

Those beings who cannot endure this change will pass on. It requires a shifting of the genetic code for a realignment the energy pathways in the body. Our DNA will actually change. Those that pass on will merely reincarnate into a body that is capable. Such high levels of energy and love, essentially the opening of chakras in a very high level is not possible for all people is they cannot shift energetically right down to the DNA structure.

This change is already happening for some people. It will get more intense as time progresses towards 2012.

There is a formal association of Mayan Shamans, I do not recall their name right now. But the head of this organization has been releasing this information to shamans all around the world. This information comes from a review of sacred teachings that they have held for many centuries, unbeknownst to the "white" world. They have actually been having meetings and ceremonies to do this work. The man found on this video series is who they have appointed to represent them to the American culture, although Shamans from Tribes in North America have attended these meetings also.. go to you tube and look up "the Maya of Eternal Time" this is the start of the story of whats happening. I think it is about a 14 part series on youtube.

There is now a new DVD out that takes the story further narrated by the same man, as to what has been revealed over the last 1.5 years and ... I do have it downloaded on my computer as it was once on youtube and I downloaded it right away at the time but now it is removed from youtube. It is called the "the Birth of a New Humanity" and if you search that on youtube you can find a link for ordering it... As soon as I find a way to play it on my larger screen computer I am going to have a public viewing in my house. The DVD I ordered will just not load on my MAC and my laptop screen is tiny... it is a very important watch as it explains so much more than the Maya of Eternal Time film did, but the Maya of Eternal time is essential to undertand the new DVD...


Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 6, 2009
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Mackay wrote:

"According to ancient writings in India we are in the process now of crossinygthe galactic center."

Can you elaborate on what this means? I have always thought that our solar system was in one of the arms of our galaxy, and that (though everything is moving through space) our (and everything else's) relative place(s) are more or less fixed. If that is so, then how can we be "crossing the galactic center"? And, if it is not true, can you explain how that works? -- I'm not trying to be snarky, I really am curious. Thanks.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 3, 2010
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Zebulon, NC
Mackay said:
Those beings who cannot endure this change will pass on. It requires a shifting of the genetic code for a realignment the energy pathways in the body. Our DNA will actually change. Those that pass on will merely reincarnate into a body that is capable. Such high levels of energy and love, essentially the opening of chakras in a very high level is not possible for all people is they cannot shift energetically right down to the DNA structure.

This change is already happening for some people. It will get more intense as time progresses towards 2012.
This may be waaaaay off-topic, & if so I apologize...but does this have anything to do with "indigo children"....?

I went to a "mind/body/spirit" expo several years ago where this was discussed in a seminar; a new "breed" (so to speak) of children who are genetically different from the rest of us...

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