Solar Storms


Goat Whisperer
Mar 28, 2009
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The news mentioned something about it tonight so I got everyone and hauled ass outside and down to the end of the driveway.. Nothin'.

Come inside, look it up online, says we won't see anything until later tonight because of our location =\


Abinormal Butterfly
Oct 21, 2009
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at work we have sun spot outages :) it's pretty cool. and we've discussed the sun storms and their interruption of cable service doing us all out of a job.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 3, 2010
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Zebulon, NC
MorelCabin said:
With this new sun cycle coming, I wonder how many of you have taken solar storms into consideration. They have been known to cause damage in the past, and have the potential to change life as we know it drastically.
Actually of all the scenerios in which we might need to rely on our slef sufficient status to survive, I do believe that solar storms are the most likely to ever happen. Anyone agree?
The Discovery Channel (I think) had a series called "Surviving Disaster" or something similar, & solar storms was one of their scenarios. It was scary, & something most people know nothing about. Yet another reason to be as SS as possible...:)


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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NASA reports severe solar storms for 2012. Watch this news report.

The last severe solar storm was in 1859 and it knocked out telegraph.

I am planning to get a hand pump for our water well. I talked with our well person last week and he said it would cost about $350... installation and all, far cheaper than what I have seen noted on this forum or in my own search..... I'll let you know what brand when I get it.

Like the Y2K deal at 2000, the government and global interests must sound the alarm and get companies and electrical companies to amp up. Y2K was a non issue because society rose to the task and took care of business. Up date equipment and get people ready to deal with fallout from this possible occurance.

We also need to learn how to use our generator more effectively.


Quilting Extraordinaire
Jul 19, 2008
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Northern Ontario Canada
Mackay said:
NASA reports severe solar storms for 2012. Watch this news report.

The last severe solar storm was in 1859 and it knocked out telegraph.

I am planning to get a hand pump for our water well. I talked with our well person last week and he said it would cost about $350... installation and all, far cheaper than what I have seen noted on this forum or in my own search..... I'll let you know what brand when I get it.

Like the Y2K deal at 2000, the government and global interests must sound the alarm and get companies and electrical companies to amp up. Y2K was a non issue because society rose to the task and took care of business. Up date equipment and get people ready to deal with fallout from this possible occurance.

We also need to learn how to use our generator more effectively.
Aha, finally someone who understands me! I am very intently trying to sell my home in town and move back to the country where I will have at least some way to cope with this if indeed it does happen...and it is the most likely of all other catastrophic national scenerios.


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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My sister in law has been trying to sell her house near Salem Oregon. Over two years on the market for a beautiful horse property and no bites. They took the price down to rock bottom and little good it does.

They have five acres near us in Idaho. They've already built a rather large barn... but now with the house heading to forclosure, they are seeing an appartment going in in the hay loft instead of building a house which I am very worried about because of their health issues... too many stairs for bad backs, scoliosis, rods in spine, arthritis. Not a good time for them... dreams shattered due to the economy. They have vacated the house in Salem this past week, their college student son saying behind and he will stay until forced out... probably a year to year and a half according to thier lawyer. Taking residence in Idaho will protect some of the few assests they have left and they (bank of America) cannot go after their primary residence, now the barn on 5 acres.

They could stay and work I guess, but work is now so hard to find. Husband is getting old for his profession. Work intermittant., just couldn't meet the payments which were a breeze for them 3 years ago.

As long as you have a job the house it the city is OK. Once the job goes trouble starts.... and is happening to sooo many people.

Folks having to adjust downward in expectations and dreams. Retirement may never come for many short of collapes on the walk to work or keeling over at the desk

Solar storms are only one way to go down and with all else going on its hard to worry about something so fantastic and far fetched sounding as the possibilities of solar storms.... but I think there are some very real possibilites of big time damage coming our way

The grid is pretty shakey and I think the population at greatest risk is the north east but who can say for sure? Our power blinks on and off several times a month. Now one knows just why. We get our energy from the columbia river power system... and perhaps the snake.

Supposedly we just went through a solar flair just the other day.. but I didn't notice anything. When the time gets close to 2012 predictions I will keep my computer unplugged most of the time. I would be very sad to loose it, with the wealth of info stored on it that has taken years to collect.... do not trust a surge protector with this kind of anticpated solar activity.

I wonder if there is some kind of magic switch to unplug the whole house? my repair man said that he has often had to repair or replace washers and dryers that got hit with a surge.


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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I wonder if when a solar storm is happening if you are out of danger if it is nighttime? Like, are you out of the line of fire? How long does a solar storm go on for? Is it possible to get warning?

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