Sore Throat/Cough Relief


Power Conserver
Jan 10, 2012
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Hamburg, WI
I think we need to remember (in the back of our heads) that those reading these posts need to be reminded that if one is allergic or has side effects to horehound, onion or what have you, best to avoid at all costs and find another alternative herb that works. I have ill effects from onions (and they are my favorites to munch on) but I'll have to stick to the horehound for the best remedy for me at least.


Lovin' The Homestead
Feb 9, 2011
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Just wanted to update this thread about the onion/garlic in honey. I made some up last month-ish--maybe 5 weeks ago? when I had a sore throat. I coarsely chopped some onion and garlic, poured honey to cover in a glass bowl. My honey was local raw, BUT someone in my family had NUKED it at one point, so I don't know if that had any effect. Anyhoo, it really helped the throat at that time but not so much the overall illness.

So, now that same bowl's been sitting on the counter since then, covered with an airtight lid. Sore throat 3 days ago. Pulled the lid off, gave it a sniff, took a spoonful. STRONG stuff! Took another spoon for good measure. Did that maybe 3 times t/out the day. Then the next day. Sore throat gone today. Oh, I did mix in some lemon juice to cut the strength of the onion--I tried to just put a few drops on the spoon but way overflowed so just mixed it into the honey.

No problems from having it sit out for this long. The onions still look okay, nothing smelled or tasted bad or off. I'm keeping this stuff around, we'll see if the added lemon juice does anything next time I need it.

Yeah, I usually don't get sick so much, but I hate my job............that probably has a lot to do with my immuse system.