Source for: Beeswax, sheabutter, avocado oil


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Ok..... I wasn't sure if this was the best place for this, so if its not, can someone please put it in the right place??? Thx!

I just found a recipe for lotion bars on (WHOA, more reading, like I needed anything else to waste my time with!!)
Anyway, a friend of my sister's makes lotion bars, and my mom loves them. However, I use therapeutic grade essential oils, and have made a blend that works really well on my mom's arthritis. So now I want to combine the two. And I don't think my sister's friend is open to changing oil brands to use the higher quality oils that have actual health benefits beyond a pleasant smell.

Anyway, long story short... I now am considering (I must be crazy) finding a source of refined beeswax, as well as sheabutter and avocado oil. The avocado and sheabutter are probably going to have to be bought through a store, but I was hoping someone might have some beeswax that they would be willing to sell (or I'll happily trade some of the finished product when I figure it out!) to me. I guess PMing me would be appropriate if you have any of these products.

Thanks! (Like I needed something else to suck up my time... what am I getting myself into?!)


Lovin' The Homestead
May 29, 2010
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hqueen13 said:
Ok..... I wasn't sure if this was the best place for this, so if its not, can someone please put it in the right place??? Thx!

I just found a recipe for lotion bars on (WHOA, more reading, like I needed anything else to waste my time with!!)
Anyway, a friend of my sister's makes lotion bars, and my mom loves them. However, I use therapeutic grade essential oils, and have made a blend that works really well on my mom's arthritis. So now I want to combine the two. And I don't think my sister's friend is open to changing oil brands to use the higher quality oils that have actual health benefits beyond a pleasant smell.

Anyway, long story short... I now am considering (I must be crazy) finding a source of refined beeswax, as well as sheabutter and avocado oil. The avocado and sheabutter are probably going to have to be bought through a store, but I was hoping someone might have some beeswax that they would be willing to sell (or I'll happily trade some of the finished product when I figure it out!) to me. I guess PMing me would be appropriate if you have any of these products.

Thanks! (Like I needed something else to suck up my time... what am I getting myself into?!)
Does your recipe include Methyl salicylate (oil of wintergreen or wintergreen oil)? This works for me and commercial products with it are available as creams [Heet and Icy Hot] in a sense it is liquid aspirn [salicylate] but should not be taken orally because it is toxic by that route. my doctor had forbidden Aspirn because of stomach bleeding problems but approves of this for local skin appacation[ yes I amell like a Lifesaver candy]. I can get it at a drugstore And add it to melt and pour soap base or hand sanitizer which I use these days. now that cold drying winter is here it would be handy in a lotion form [which I had not thought of thanks for the tip!] so far the arthritis is confined to my hands.~gd


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
~gd said:
Does your recipe include Methyl salicylate (oil of wintergreen or wintergreen oil)? This works for me and commercial products with it are available as creams [Heet and Icy Hot] in a sense it is liquid aspirn [salicylate] but should not be taken orally because it is toxic by that route. my doctor had forbidden Aspirn because of stomach bleeding problems but approves of this for local skin appacation[ yes I amell like a Lifesaver candy]. I can get it at a drugstore And add it to melt and pour soap base or hand sanitizer which I use these days. now that cold drying winter is here it would be handy in a lotion form [which I had not thought of thanks for the tip!] so far the arthritis is confined to my hands.~gd
Actually, I could easily make it that way. I believe that I did put Wintergreen Essential Oil into my mom's oil blend when I made it for her. The lotion bar would be so much more convenient. If I can get this figured out, I'll be sure to let you know :)


A Major Squash & Pumpkin Lover
Jul 11, 2008
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central WI
hqueen--may I ask what EOs you use for arthritis? And is this hand arthritis? I just found out tonight that my 39-yo DH has nearly bone-on-bone degeneration of his hip because of arthritis. His hip hurts quite a bit. I already make body balms and have probably 20 different EOs at home for lip/body balm and soaps. I'd love to make one that could help his pain!

Thanks so much if you're able to help me with this.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
me&thegals said:
hqueen--may I ask what EOs you use for arthritis? And is this hand arthritis? I just found out tonight that my 39-yo DH has nearly bone-on-bone degeneration of his hip because of arthritis. His hip hurts quite a bit. I already make body balms and have probably 20 different EOs at home for lip/body balm and soaps. I'd love to make one that could help his pain!

Thanks so much if you're able to help me with this.
Arthritis pain is arthritis pain, regardless of the joint. My other half just had hip resurfacing surgery for his hip so I can completely understand the pain and issues. And my other half is actually about the same age as yours. I would encourage yall to look at the resurfacing rather than replacement because the process is a lot less invasive, and keeps more of the original bone, which means that it lasts longer than a standard full replacement. The other half had his surgery on Oct 31st, so he is only 1 1/2 months out, and is no longer using the can or walker, and his only pain now is all muscular due to compensating for more than a year on the bad joint. He has zero hip pain. Feel free to PM me if you want more info, before I get too far off on a tangent on that :p

There are several things that can be done for the pain though. The biggest is diet: cut out sugars and carbs. Both are inflammatory and can be causing increased pain without even knowing it.

Beyond that, there are some supplements that are all natural that my other half takes (and still does take) that seem to do quite a bit of good. (Again, PM for details).

As far as the oils themselves go, yes, there are a number of oils that can help support the body function. But first and foremost is making sure that the oils that you use are Therapeutic Grade 100% Pure Essential Oils. I use ONLY Young Living Essential Oils myself, and would not use anything else. To be sold as an Essential Oil in the US it is only required to have 5% of the actual oil in it, the rest can be carrier oil. So if you're making the purchase at a health store, you're likely not getting pure oil, and your $$ are wasted on the carriers and other things. Using pure oils topically (and even internally, yes I ingest a number of my oils), the support is amazing.

For my mom's blend, I threw just about everything in the book that I had that I thought would support her: Marjoram (muscle pain), Lemongrass (ligament support), clove (inflammation), Copiaba (healing), Lavender (anti-inflammatory), Peppermint (drives the other oils in), Frankencense (anti tumor & life force, just for the heck of it), a blend called PanAway (designed for joint/muscle pain), a blend called Deep Relief (designed for deep tissue relief), Cypruss (circulation), Wintergreen (pain reduction (it is the basis for Aspirin after all)), Juniper (bone strength), and probably some that I've forgotten. It was a little bit of this, a little bit of that, and so on, and then I topped off the bottle with a carrier oil and a roll on applicator.

She has a hand balm that was made by a friend of my sister's, and she loves it, and has expressed interest in having a bar that has the oils already in it, so she doesn't have to do a separate application. I suspect that my sister's friend isn't going to see the strong value of the quality of the oils (of course they are more expensive, but you get what you pay for, for these oils it isn't just how nice they smell), so I figured if I could make them myself all the better :D And of course I'd like them for me, too!!

So I hope that somebody on here might have bees and hopefully have some refined wax that I can use! (yeah, we're still on topic :D)

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