I cook a spaghetti squash about once a year; DH likes the idea of the extra veggie, but, I've noticed, is somewhat less enthusiastic with the result
, so we don't do it often. He does actually like it quite well, but not as much as he was thinking *before the fact*. So, tonight was the night. I made a romesco sauce, with some shrimp added in, and it was quite good. Two notes - for those who might not be quite familiar with this vegetable - one average squash is enough for 4-5 servings (which means I need to think of something else to do with the other half); and, if you cut it crosswise you will get longer strands. Most instructions I have found say to cut it lengthwise, but I did that last time, and had short strands. Working on the Chinese principle that longer noodles mean more luck I cut it across the equator this time, and liked the result much better.
The chooks get the innards tomorrow, and in a day or two I'll do something with the other half. I'm thinking maybe to pull out the strands, mix them with some herbs, and maybe an egg, and make little pancakes (as a side dish to somthing else). We'll see.
The chooks get the innards tomorrow, and in a day or two I'll do something with the other half. I'm thinking maybe to pull out the strands, mix them with some herbs, and maybe an egg, and make little pancakes (as a side dish to somthing else). We'll see.