Always doing laundry
I cut open and stitched two rabbits back up, oh, pulled one of their teeth too. Does that count? 
Back in the day when the "old timers" didn't have access to vets readily it was a matter of parents teaching their kids what their parents taught them. Knowledge like that was passed down through a long line of farmers. If you didn't know how to do something you usually sought out a neighbor or someone from church to help you back in the day.
We winged it with the bunnies and got lucky!
Back in the day when the "old timers" didn't have access to vets readily it was a matter of parents teaching their kids what their parents taught them. Knowledge like that was passed down through a long line of farmers. If you didn't know how to do something you usually sought out a neighbor or someone from church to help you back in the day.
We winged it with the bunnies and got lucky!