Mini Horses
Sustainability Master
I love to just look at shelves of canning jars, filled with colorful foods! The cellars were always favorites at my the chicken coop to find eggs. Thanks for the visual! 

Still rainy and wet today, maybe into early tomorrow. Just showery/sprinkly stuff. Had a terrific headache Sunday, didn't get anything done at the house but did pick up some stuff I needed. Then had PT for the knees today and had to take equipment to a farm that tests their own cattle.... got 3 other things that the first Lowe's didn't have; nice to have 2 - 20 miles in either direction so when I am in either direction I can stop.... they are doing some major remodeling and everything is a mess-disorganized..... I should be good to go, tomorrow and the next day. Hoping that the floor sanding guy will be here the end of the week to get that done finally. Had a part go out on the sander, said it normally takes 2-3 days to get stuff and took 2 weeks this time. He has to finish the job he was on, and I said that I well understood as we have equipment for haying that always seems to break down when you least expect it.... but will be SOOOOO glad to get that done. Once that dust and mess is done, I will be able to start moving stuff up here. I just decided that I didn't want to have to clean it again before putting it in the cabinets and all that....Dusting off boxes and all and having it get into everything.
Bacon flavored coffee! You might be on to something there!Lolol i have no shame. Added cream to my coffee this morning, was going for a spoon to stir, and decided, what the heck, I used a piece of bacon instead. One less utensil to wash...
I keep telling myself that.....Patience is a virtue and I am a saint...