Almost Self-Reliant
Hurrah! Cherries!!Coffee break time. The drought here is officially over. It's raining, and there are flood watches in the area. Picked the first cherries off of the little cherry tree this morning. A total of three!
Hurrah! Cherries!!Coffee break time. The drought here is officially over. It's raining, and there are flood watches in the area. Picked the first cherries off of the little cherry tree this morning. A total of three!
Congrats your finally done.I am done with the Dirty Birdies. No more Cornish Cross to feed, water, move their tractor daily, or butcher. I am through!
We raised 73, sold 45 and stuffed the rest in the freezer, that we will split with our DD and family. I canned 21 quarts of chicken parts for the dogs. I had a bunch of breast bones (skinless boneless breast) that I was going to simmer for broth, but I already have 34 pints. So I sent DH to the Pig Palace and he tossed them over the fence. There were a lot of them. Pigs loves them some chicken!
You may have posted it already but I may get some plum recipes from you.Coffee is ready, going for my second cup. Got plum juice in the refrigerator to make into jam today. That will give me more room in the refrigerator. Then I can cram other stuff in it. Dunno what, but I'm sure I'll come up with something. LOL
I'm a little late but thanks.Happy Father’s Day all!
Funnest is definitely a word. There are many words in my vocabulary that raise eyebrows. I have the covid 20 to shed, and then an other 10 would get me to a happy spot, where it would be oh so much easier to tie my shoes. So, let's hear about some of your "no fun stuff eating right now" meals. We need to be doing the same. Hubby is the diabetic, and has more of a sweet tooth than I do! I can make an entire meal out of veggies, with a bit of cheese added for protein. Hubby is a meat and veggies kind of guy, but will play along with me for a while.OH! the ice cream sounds GREAT!!!! it really does take the place of desert for me, it is the (yes I know its not a word) Funnest thing to eat in my house right now- we are on a strict no fun stuff eating right now, I have dropped 10 and need to drop , in my dreams20 more but I'll be happy with 10 more.
You add extra ice cream for me K![]()
Proven by many to very effective and now more commonly suggested to keep anyone on their diet. Even on the radio about every New Year's resolution time anymore it seems.I like to tell myself that a small indulgence will prevent a big "all out" falling off the wagon event in the future. I have yet to really test this theory to find out how true it is.
How's your spell check doing for you???!!! Want some plum jam? Well, Sure h3!! !@CLSranch i buy the sure jell in the pink box, it takes less sugar. I cook the plums, simmer for couple hours, then I mash them through a giant tea strainer. I give the seeds and skins to the pigs.
Follow the directions that come with the sure hell for some delicious wild plum jam.