I agree that the smallness of this forum helps with that friendly feel. I'm sure that this is one of the few places where I KNOW my political and religious views are different than many others and it doesn't matter!
Hugs to all and especially Pat! Just 'cause
I am really glad I found this forum(or that Farmer Chick lead me here). We were on another nameless forum that had a horrible click in it. And if you did not beleive the way they did then you were the enemy they would all gang up on you. I was an outcast because I was supporting McCain & they were all supporting Obama & when I tried to express my views politely & quote my sources of info(which they didn't like) they jumped all over me. So I told them what I thought of them & left. I did get a few nice private emails from some ladies off there & we keep in touch now. But I will never go back there & I was on there for over 5 yrs! I feel right at home here. I can express my opinions & feelings & not get bashed which is a breath of fresh air! So I would like to say thank you to everyone here especially Karen for sending me a link to check out the site. I may not get on here every day but it is like sitting down to talk with old friends most days. And I have picked up valuable tips & ideas to make our family more sufficient. Hopefully I have helped a few too. BTW everyone my name is Pam.
Oh! I must weigh in on this subject! Ditto to all of the above! This is the only forum on which I spend any time anymore . It seems to have the total package and I can discuss and glean info on chickens, gardens, and SS all at one site, which is great when you have limited time.
I like the less "agenda driven" opinions and views of our forum members and I hope we never get so diverse, or big, that we forget to say "Please, Thank you and I'm sorry" when we need to do so.
I liked BYC for its information but soon grew weary of the fighting and the willingness of some to attack first ~ think later, or jump before they were hit. I think everyone here is considerate of each other because we want to stay awhile. Noone wants to stick around when the tension is thick!
Also, I think we just have more basic intentions on this forum....we all want the same things, more or less, and have nothing to prove. I like that! I also like the fact that you all are just plain nice folks and that's all there is to it!
Not sentimental at all, Pioneer, just saying what we've all been thinking! :bouquet