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- #1,031
Almost Self-Reliant
We had him on a prey diet for quite a while. He exhibited symptoms, even then. We were told to stop the prey diet and try a quality food, so we put him on Taste of the Wild. Not extremely pricey, but not cheap either. No fillers or soy. Things have gotten worse for him since then (he has been on it just shy of one year, with the vets repeatedly telling us to 'give it time' ). He is on special prescription shampoo, steroids and antibiotics(not continually - although one psycho vet thought that might be a good idea!). If anything, the drugs seem to have made things worse.What kind of food are you giving your dog? We had a Healer cross years ago that had that problem and for years we were told he was allergic to fleas. Then a friend suggested that he might be sensitive to the soy in the dog food we were giving him (a lot of dogs have problems with soy). We switched to a premium dog food that didn't have soy in it and voila! The problem went away over a couple of months. He also gained a lot of energy and put on weight. At the time, he was 10 years old and I'm convinced that the change to a better dog food is responsible for the 5 more years of life he enjoyed before finally contracting cancer.