States file to seccede from the union, info from Washington post


Enjoys Recycling
Aug 1, 2010
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I think before anybody things about withdrawing from the Union, they better take a hard look at the finances. First off how much money does your state get from the Feds for programs? And are those programs that your state wants to continue to have in place? If so where's that money coming from?

If you print your own currency what are you using to back your currency so its legitimate and can be valued against the U.S. Federal dollar?

Sure you could pull away and have things your way but do you think your taxes are going to stay what they are? Inflation won't hit you? For fuel, food, etc? And what about educating your children? College? Healthcare? And I don't just mean insurance I mean hospitals, EMS, Police, Fire?

Don't get me wrong I'm not opposed to it, but the financials play a major factor in keeping the Union together, and without thinking that through I don't think just jumping on some petition because we're angry is going to do anything except put your name on another list that the Govt keeps of suspected troublemakers (for lack of a better term).

I'd rather see a 3rd party created so we're not stuck with the lesser of 2 evils and put some balance back in our Govt rather than 2 opposing forces working against each others policies just because the other party suggested it.

Then if that fails, Ill gladly fall in rank to pull away and become a new nation.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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There are a lot of things to think about. While I was on a fact finding mission yesterday I pulled up some Census data (2010) showing how much each state gets from the federal government for all programs. I doubt that there are too many states that could cover every program that the Feds are covering now. Here's the link if you're interested:

Here's another consideration... in my opinion - a country divided is easily conquered. Would any state that seceded have the militia to protect itself from a foreign takeover - especially states that are bordered by an ocean? Would they have the forces in place to protect themselves from an attack by sea? Let "the bad guys" come in and take a foot hold and we're all at even more risk.

I have quite a few family members who fought, and some died, for this country. I've talked with several of them, and despite their political views - each one - to a man (and woman) said that they would NEVER abandon their country because of a little political discourse.

Myself - I was born a United States citizen - and I intend to be a United States citizen the day I die.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Of course! It's just fun to play the what if game and think about the hardiness and resourcefulness of one's state if they were on their own. It would sort of be like the fragmented European nations, though I don't think the EU will be successful either...actually, I KNOW it won't.

US has been a strong nation and it is now much weakened and it's not the fault of one is the fault of the general apathy of the populace and their defiance of God. Nothing more, nothing less. Obama is a mere puppet for a bigger agenda.

It will run its course and is nothing to stress over if you have a strong foundation of faith in Jesus Christ. Those that do not are naturally worried. I'm not. :)


Lovin' The Homestead
May 29, 2010
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Jared77 said:
I think before anybody things about withdrawing from the Union, they better take a hard look at the finances. First off how much money does your state get from the Feds for programs? And are those programs that your state wants to continue to have in place? If so where's that money coming from?

If you print your own currency what are you using to back your currency so its legitimate and can be valued against the U.S. Federal dollar?

Sure you could pull away and have things your way but do you think your taxes are going to stay what they are? Inflation won't hit you? For fuel, food, etc? And what about educating your children? College? Healthcare? And I don't just mean insurance I mean hospitals, EMS, Police, Fire?

Don't get me wrong I'm not opposed to it, but the financials play a major factor in keeping the Union together, and without thinking that through I don't think just jumping on some petition because we're angry is going to do anything except put your name on another list that the Govt keeps of suspected troublemakers (for lack of a better term).

I'd rather see a 3rd party created so we're not stuck with the lesser of 2 evils and put some balance back in our Govt rather than 2 opposing forces working against each others policies just because the other party suggested it.

Then if that fails, Ill gladly fall in rank to pull away and become a new nation.
Where do you think Federal money comes from? Some states get more money back from the Feds than they send in. Some get less. Those that get more would be smarter to stick with the feds the others would be money ahead to split the union. The US money ix unbacked by anyone or anything~gd


Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
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There are 50 States in the union. Each and every one of you has recited "The Pledge of Alliegance" multiple times since you were born. We do not need a "new country", we need the current people who are controlling the government that we have to be replaced and NOT ALLOWED TO COME BACK.

Our form of government changed the world, forever. It did something that had never been done in the history of the planet.
It brought to this world the ability to transfer "true power" without the shed of blood. It gave each citizen (and that is an important concept now because for too long, people have come here without earning the right to be an American citizen) the "inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." In return for those rights there are responsibilities which unfortunately appear to be consistently ignored because whoever is making the decisions, has changed our nation into a welfare state, where those who work are taxed to death and that tax money is being given to those who will NOT work and WILL NOT pay taxes and WILL NOT contribute to the national treasury. They are a drain on our system and those who make the decisions to "fund those {programs}" have not only given away our national treasury but they have borrowed money from other countries in order to "fund those {programs} so they could buy votes from people who are not even legitimate citizens of this country. Where does this madness end?

Our FORM OF GOVERNMENT IS THE BEST THAT HAS EVER COME TO THIS EARTH. No nation in the world before this had ever had that concept. Since that time many nations have followed in that path and have prospered in that their people are happy and working toward self-sufficiency as a nation. We have made our voices and our spirit known throughout the world. We have been invincible in war. No nation, no power and NO RELIGION has forced us to submit to their control and for my money, NONE EVER WILL.

However, as in the late 1850's we have a variety of "issues" that have divided the people of our nation. Unfortunately, many of those issues came about because someone (in my opinion the communists) have convinced many that the rules by which we lived, most of which were based on a very high standard of morality and belief in One Supreme G*d, were not important and could be violated without consequence.

Remember when sex before marriage was "not done", remember when getting pregnant meant you got married to the other parent and raised the child? Remember when it was illegal to do things like steal, murder, rape, etc? Now it is only a crime if you get caught. Criminals have taken over our country and have overwhelmed our law enforcement to the extent that they are nearly unable to do ANYTHING at all. Remember when G*d started this world, each child had to have a mother AND a father. Now people who have no respect for OUR way of life and OUR rules have become the "squeaky wheel that got the grease" and now OUR way of life has been eliminated to allow THEIR immoral and unconscionable behaviors. I have a problem with THAT!

How dare you say you want to seceed from out union? It is the union that we need to preserve. It is the people who are currently "making the decisions" and buying votes with their willingness to spend money they don't have and we can't give them so that they can destroy the moral fabric of this nation . Those are the people that need to be replaced and that our form of government be once again, reinstated.

I don't blame you for being upset, but this is not the way to deal with it. The way to deal with it is by using the Constitution of the United States of America the way it was intended. Recall elections. Fire these criminals and get rid of them. Stop the power of "POLITICAL PARTIES" who have destroyed the fabric of our nation and get the country back on track.
It is simple. You don't work, you don't eat.
Saepe Expertus, Semper Fidelis, Fratres Aeterni
Trim sends


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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Beekissed said:
Of course! It's just fun to play the what if game and think about the hardiness and resourcefulness of one's state if they were on their own. It would sort of be like the fragmented European nations, though I don't think the EU will be successful either...actually, I KNOW it won't.

US has been a strong nation and it is now much weakened and it's not the fault of one is the fault of the general apathy of the populace and their defiance of God. Nothing more, nothing less. Obama is a mere puppet for a bigger agenda.

It will run its course and is nothing to stress over if you have a strong foundation of faith in Jesus Christ. Those that do not are naturally worried. I'm not. :)


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 18, 2010
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Hey chill out everyone. A petition to secede from the union is nothing more than a protest. I wish all the states would each get a million people to sign. Don't you know that the states are not allowed to secede?


Lovin' The Homestead
May 29, 2010
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Icu4dzs said:
There are 50 States in the union. Each and every one of you has recited "The Pledge of Alliegance" multiple times since you were born. We do not need a "new country", we need the current people who are controlling the government that we have to be replaced and NOT ALLOWED TO COME BACK.

Our form of government changed the world, forever. It did something that had never been done in the history of the planet.
It brought to this world the ability to transfer "true power" without the shed of blood. It gave each citizen (and that is an important concept now because for too long, people have come here without earning the right to be an American citizen) the "inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." In return for those rights there are responsibilities which unfortunately appear to be consistently ignored because whoever is making the decisions, has changed our nation into a welfare state, where those who work are taxed to death and that tax money is being given to those who will NOT work and WILL NOT pay taxes and WILL NOT contribute to the national treasury. They are a drain on our system and those who make the decisions to "fund those {programs}" have not only given away our national treasury but they have borrowed money from other countries in order to "fund those {programs} so they could buy votes from people who are not even legitimate citizens of this country. Where does this madness end?

Our FORM OF GOVERNMENT IS THE BEST THAT HAS EVER COME TO THIS EARTH. No nation in the world before this had ever had that concept. Since that time many nations have followed in that path and have prospered in that their people are happy and working toward self-sufficiency as a nation. We have made our voices and our spirit known throughout the world. We have been invincible in war. No nation, no power and NO RELIGION has forced us to submit to their control and for my money, NONE EVER WILL.

However, as in the late 1850's we have a variety of "issues" that have divided the people of our nation. Unfortunately, many of those issues came about because someone (in my opinion the communists) have convinced many that the rules by which we lived, most of which were based on a very high standard of morality and belief in One Supreme G*d, were not important and could be violated without consequence.

Remember when sex before marriage was "not done", remember when getting pregnant meant you got married to the other parent and raised the child? Remember when it was illegal to do things like steal, murder, rape, etc? Now it is only a crime if you get caught. Criminals have taken over our country and have overwhelmed our law enforcement to the extent that they are nearly unable to do ANYTHING at all. Remember when G*d started this world, each child had to have a mother AND a father. Now people who have no respect for OUR way of life and OUR rules have become the "squeaky wheel that got the grease" and now OUR way of life has been eliminated to allow THEIR immoral and unconscionable behaviors. I have a problem with THAT!

How dare you say you want to seceed from out union? It is the union that we need to preserve. It is the people who are currently "making the decisions" and buying votes with their willingness to spend money they don't have and we can't give them so that they can destroy the moral fabric of this nation . Those are the people that need to be replaced and that our form of government be once again, reinstated.

I don't blame you for being upset, but this is not the way to deal with it. The way to deal with it is by using the Constitution of the United States of America the way it was intended. Recall elections. Fire these criminals and get rid of them. Stop the power of "POLITICAL PARTIES" who have destroyed the fabric of our nation and get the country back on track.
It is simple. You don't work, you don't eat.
Saepe Expertus, Semper Fidelis, Fratres Aeterni
Trim sends
You can't buy votes [or souls] unless someone is willing to sell Also recall of people holding federal office has been invalidated by federal courts/


Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 18, 2009
Reaction score
Northern Frontline
Icu4dzs said:
There are 50 States in the union. Each and every one of you has recited "The Pledge of Alliegance" multiple times since you were born. We do not need a "new country", we need the current people who are controlling the government that we have to be replaced and NOT ALLOWED TO COME BACK.

Our form of government changed the world, forever. It did something that had never been done in the history of the planet.
It brought to this world the ability to transfer "true power" without the shed of blood. It gave each citizen (and that is an important concept now because for too long, people have come here without earning the right to be an American citizen) the "inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." In return for those rights there are responsibilities which unfortunately appear to be consistently ignored because whoever is making the decisions, has changed our nation into a welfare state, where those who work are taxed to death and that tax money is being given to those who will NOT work and WILL NOT pay taxes and WILL NOT contribute to the national treasury. They are a drain on our system and those who make the decisions to "fund those {programs}" have not only given away our national treasury but they have borrowed money from other countries in order to "fund those {programs} so they could buy votes from people who are not even legitimate citizens of this country. Where does this madness end?

Our FORM OF GOVERNMENT IS THE BEST THAT HAS EVER COME TO THIS EARTH. No nation in the world before this had ever had that concept. Since that time many nations have followed in that path and have prospered in that their people are happy and working toward self-sufficiency as a nation. We have made our voices and our spirit known throughout the world. We have been invincible in war. No nation, no power and NO RELIGION has forced us to submit to their control and for my money, NONE EVER WILL.

However, as in the late 1850's we have a variety of "issues" that have divided the people of our nation. Unfortunately, many of those issues came about because someone (in my opinion the communists) have convinced many that the rules by which we lived, most of which were based on a very high standard of morality and belief in One Supreme G*d, were not important and could be violated without consequence.

Remember when sex before marriage was "not done", remember when getting pregnant meant you got married to the other parent and raised the child? Remember when it was illegal to do things like steal, murder, rape, etc? Now it is only a crime if you get caught. Criminals have taken over our country and have overwhelmed our law enforcement to the extent that they are nearly unable to do ANYTHING at all. Remember when G*d started this world, each child had to have a mother AND a father. Now people who have no respect for OUR way of life and OUR rules have become the "squeaky wheel that got the grease" and now OUR way of life has been eliminated to allow THEIR immoral and unconscionable behaviors. I have a problem with THAT!

How dare you say you want to seceed from out union? It is the union that we need to preserve. It is the people who are currently "making the decisions" and buying votes with their willingness to spend money they don't have and we can't give them so that they can destroy the moral fabric of this nation . Those are the people that need to be replaced and that our form of government be once again, reinstated.

I don't blame you for being upset, but this is not the way to deal with it. The way to deal with it is by using the Constitution of the United States of America the way it was intended. Recall elections. Fire these criminals and get rid of them. Stop the power of "POLITICAL PARTIES" who have destroyed the fabric of our nation and get the country back on track.
It is simple. You don't work, you don't eat.
Saepe Expertus, Semper Fidelis, Fratres Aeterni
Trim sends
AMEN!! I do feel we have some big bumps ahead before we come back to smooth roads. Some of the bumps may hurt a lot. Do we have enough real Americans to get us back on the right path??? I really question that after this past election. Look at what they are doing to the military now :( NOT GOOD!! I'm going Galt for now and will come if needed.

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