Lazily copying my comment on the other thread now started on this subject:
I do not believe what the story suggests about this being something new. I grew up just outside Philly, with relatives on the police force and thus a certain amount of gossip about a) illegal activities in general and b) mob activities in various East Coast cities, and I am just absolutely positive they used to talk about tractor trailer loads of food as being one of the sorts of items that not-infrequently would go astray in transit so to speak. Mind you this would have been the 60s and 70s, I have no idea about more recently, but, still.
My Dad was President of 5 food corporations up North.
Tractor trailer loads of everything went missing big time. Produce included. Most times the drivers were involved actually....selling their load along the way then saying robbery at night while in transit.
Yup, Dad dealt with this all the time. Absolutely any product is fair game for theives, produce was not an exception.
That really surprises me. I had always thought that the nonperishables were stolen. Never heard of produce being stolen (surprise, surprise - I'm wrong again )
Must be the spot light on the economy and food prices that got this in the news.
I was surprised by them stealing perishables also. You would think canned food would be stolen. No risk of is going bad before you could sell it without detection.
To the original poster. Im sorry I started a thread about this also. I didnt see yours. I have asked to have it locked.
most crooks --before things are stolen--have a buyer.
like one time Dad went to work to find out about 8 tractor trailer loads of cigarettes were stolen. Never found them....Dad says they 'disappeared' even before they were stolen LOL
in other words, these guys have buyers for everthing that isn't nailed down...well nailed down stuff disappears also HA HA
I had always heard of cigs and what not going missing and an occasional refridgerated truck full of beef sides.. (looking back over this, I think I may have seen to many mafia movies LOL), but produce really shocks me. Who buys black market produce?
It's easy to picture someone selling cartons of cigs out of their trunk....but hot tomatoes?
eh, maybe they have an aweful lot of hogs to slop or a really big compost pile.
If the profit margin is high enough, someone will try to steal it. I think this is just another sign of how silly produce prices are getting and how much worse they are going to get.