Stimulus Checks???


Frugal Homesteader
Sep 11, 2008
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Not sure where dh heard it but it was on a radio talk show one day before they did the big "bailout". The person said what they needed to do was send every taxpayer @$249k for singles & $500k for married couples & tell everyone to pay off their mortgages & all their debt if they had any. then to buy the furniture or vehicle that you needed. Or do teh house repairs you need but could not afford to do. Then our economy would be pulled out of the gutter & all the debt would be paid for. If you did not own a house then you took your money & bought one for cash. We sure wouldn't be hearing about these expensive outings that AIG has been on & still asking for more money again.
WE spent ours on bills & would do the same thing again if we get another one.


Moderator Extraordinaire
Jul 12, 2008
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Hanson, MA Zone 6a
SimpleSchooling said:
Hmmm....why don't they just print another trillion and pass it out to everyone, that way we can deflate the dollar properly and look forward to a nice prolonged recession.
It's even better than that - they borrowed the money for the last stimulus check from China!. The whole problem is living beyond our means on credit! I'm telling you, we're doomed because of stupidity that starts at the very top! :rolleyes:
Jan 24, 2009
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Homesteadmom said:
Not sure where dh heard it but it was on a radio talk show one day before they did the big "bailout". The person said what they needed to do was send every taxpayer @$249k for singles & $500k for married couples & tell everyone to pay off their mortgages & all their debt if they had any. then to buy the furniture or vehicle that you needed. Or do teh house repairs you need but could not afford to do. Then our economy would be pulled out of the gutter & all the debt would be paid for. If you did not own a house then you took your money & bought one for cash. We sure wouldn't be hearing about these expensive outings that AIG has been on & still asking for more money again.
WE spent ours on bills & would do the same thing again if we get another one.
If you figure there's about 320 million people in the US. Then there's probably about 150 million adults. If you divide 1 trillion by 150 million it's about 6,666.00 per adult. I cant pay off all my bills for that much. I think the money would be better spent developing new jobs. I think I did the math right. Have your kids do it for a math problem.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 15, 2009
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Jonestown PA
If they were going to kill the dollar buy printing more and handing it out the least they could have done is given it to working people who are having a hard time. Not bailed out the big corps. and expect that to save the rest of us.

If they gave a little of that money to everyone, those people could have paid their bills, saved their homes and hell maybe they would have bought one of those fancy new cars the fokes that got the bail out money keep saying we all need to buy. But instead they gave it to greedy already rich people and banks and expected it to just fix everything. When the rest of us knew that was not going to work, just line their pockets some more.

The government pays the banks and the banks still though thousands of people out of their homes. Now the communities have these empty homes that no one is living in so they are making no tax money on them, the utility companies are making nothing on them because there is no one there to use the utilities. And the only trickle down you see is more problems. Because now the utilities are cutting pay and jobs, the towns are cutting pay and jobs and running in the red.

Most fokes if the government gave them 5 or 10 grand they would go out an spend it, in turn putting it back into the economy, creating jobs, saving jobs and keeping businesses afloat. But to give it to something like the auto industry that already has thousands and thousands of last years cars they can not sell, they make new models anyway. And then they expect people who are losing their homes and even people who own their homes fighting to get by in this rough time to run out and buy one. Because it will "help stablize the economy" is just stupid. How many people are going to chose the new car over, health care, feeding their families, educating their families, heating or even possibly saving their homes? Only people that are not really effected by the poor economy anyway.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 15, 2009
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Jonestown PA
Big Daddy said:
If you figure there's about 320 million people in the US. Then there's probably about 150 million adults. If you divide 1 trillion by 150 million it's about 6,666.00 per adult. I cant pay off all my bills for that much. I think the money would be better spent developing new jobs. I think I did the math right. Have your kids do it for a math problem.
Even if you did the math right I do not know anyone in my area that would turn the money away because it was not enough to pay all their bills. It would have been a great help to a lot of people all over the country. And could have given them a chance to possibly recover.
Jan 24, 2009
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You know you're probably right. As long as they didn't deduct it from your next years refund like they did this last one. We normally get about 6500 back on fed tax. This year since we got 2100 for the stimulus it is going to be about 4600. Yes even if people banked it there would be more money in savings accounts that could be used for the banks to lend on.

Unfortunately even if the new round is used to help develop alternative energy and fix bridges and all that stuff. The government is the one spending it so it will end up going to pay a bunch of corporations that will line their pockets with it. Probably get about a 10% actual return.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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one problem is throwing money at all problems is not a fix.

granted I would love more money...HA HA HA....but it doesn't fix the problem as a whole.

Reinbeau said:

The whole problem is living beyond our means on credit! I'm telling you, we're doomed because of stupidity that starts at the very top!

This is the problem. We spend, spend and spend. Above our means. From the grocery to our directv to our cars to maintenance on our stuff. From our government giving money loans to every 3rd world country in millions and millions with little hope of every seeing a payback. To heavily funded useless programs that are not working. To useless assistance programs that are not being monitored and money wasted. We have to cut back to basics and for us it is hard to do cause so many of us want our lifestyle not to change. Well, guess what all of us, it is going to change by force now.........


Frugal Homesteader
Sep 11, 2008
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I agree, the I want it & I want it now society/mentality has really hurt this country a lot. "Oh, I don't enough cash to pay for it now, but I have this credit card I can put it on & make payments to. Then I lose my job & what do I not make payments on? Credit cards!!!!!" When are people going to get it? Some maybe never, because once this is over & they are back to making more, they will still want more & go back to charging everything.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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and you know Pam......Iceland is in big financial trouble......well I think of this country as one step behind the little guys.

how many people THEN can't make credit card payments and just let them lapse.....well those banks aren't getting their money back either.....and eventually without payments coming in......those banks go downhill.

It is a snowball effect from he11 and it aint over by a long shot.

When you can't pay your credit card debt or your mortgage....well those are banks you aren't paying. The collapse is not far behind if enough millions of people do this.


Frugal Homesteader
Sep 11, 2008
Reaction score
True, very true! So what good does all that money the gov't is throwing to the banks do? NADA, ZILCH, NOTHING!!!!! And that is exactly what is going to happen.