Storing butter.


Super Self-Sufficient
Aug 7, 2011
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I have always froze cheese and butter. Now, I have noticed, freezing the blocks of cheese makes them harder to shred...they crumble. So, if I need to...I will shred up a pound or 2, then freeze that in ziplocks. They can freeze flat that way too. But neither DH nor I are cheese people. I just use it for recipes for the most part. And he rarely eats butter of any sorts. I use my butter in recipes also. I have noticed that margarine quality has deteriorated tremendously the past few years. Not that it ever was great,...but they seem to be using a higher % of water now.

As for eggs....when my 3 kids were little, they qualified for WIC when we were down in MS. We got the dried beans, p-butter, cheese, milk (canned milk), powdered eggs, cereals. I think that was it. But we loved the powdered eggs. They came in bags, and we'd get so many bags per household. I would make my kids eggs for breakfast, 2 or 3x a week. WIC also had recipe brochures to take home.