Struggling Family in Economy


Lovin' The Homestead
Feb 15, 2009
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Brookings, Oregon
sekinkead said:
glenolam, I am not going to yell at you. I agree with eveything you said in your post.

They made $38,000 last year in unemployment. My husband and I made that same amount together for the first few years of our marriage and we made it ok. We didn't go out shopping every weekend but we made do.

That lunch sounds fine to me to. It sounds like what my kids like to take in thier lunch.
We live in a very small town. My DH has a full time job, once in awhile he gets over time. He gets paid more an hour than most around here.. We only make $14,000-$18,000 a year. And we are a family of 4.

I would love to live off of $38,000 dollars.. I wouldnt know what to do with myself with that much. . I would feel rich.. Rich indead..


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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It's all about the relative costs of things in a booming local economy.

Thank goodness when my FIL moved out there to take advantage of the boom, they drove a motorhome. When things busted, they vacated ASAP.

In Information Techology in the late 1990's, we saw the same type of wage inflation. Very few planned for the collapse of wages after 1999 when IT demand fell.

No job lasts forever


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 10, 2011
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Central Ohio
$38,000 income would be a step up for my family. We supported a family of 5 on just under 30K last year. DH lost his job in October and we're making it work on even less now.

I understand her frustration...she had a dream of how their lives would be and it crashed. Letting her laundry pile up and her kids run around undisciplined isn't a result of lack of money. It speaks of a lack of fortitude. I've been depressed plenty with our current situation but I've made sure to keep things as normal for the kids as possible. Clean clothes, regular schedules and no lack of discipline.


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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yourbadd said:
$38,000 income would be a step up for my family. We supported a family of 5 on just under 30K last year. DH lost his job in October and we're making it work on even less now.

I understand her frustration...she had a dream of how their lives would be and it crashed. Letting her laundry pile up and her kids run around undisciplined isn't a result of lack of money. It speaks of a lack of fortitude. I've been depressed plenty with our current situation but I've made sure to keep things as normal for the kids as possible. Clean clothes, regular schedules and no lack of discipline.
:hugs and :fl for you and your family.

:thumbsup on the great attitude.


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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Lots of wisdom here.

And since my life has almost NEVER gone the way I wanted I really don't get not adapting and finding a new path.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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that is key---things like this in life makes one stronger, or makes one super depressed.

I still think millions "don't think" it will happen to them, but as stated, no job lasts forever. So best have your darn ducks in a row for the super emergency!

I think when losing one's home it does something to you mentally. That--I gotta save my home---"they" want to take my home---everything you work so hard for is wrapped up in that house. I never been in that position, but I assure you my azz would be depressed also, for a bit at least.

Alot more people could be that article I am sure. These bad times are far from over! :(


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 11, 2010
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Texas Hill Country
The wife of a former boss was complaining one day about how bad things were for their business. That they were unable to meet payroll, and were not sure how they would pay the rent. Things were pretty grim according to her discouraged outpouring. The next day, she made her usual hair appointment, for a cut and color job, costing over $150, and then on impulse, had a pedicure at the same time (and this was in the fall, sandal weather was definitely OVER by then so she spent $50 on feet that nobody else would even SEE!).

I just did not get how she could justify that kind of completely useless cost, when she was talking about having to go on food stamps to feed her kids! The $200 she spent that day would have bought two weeks worth of groceries for her family if she had spent wisely, at the time this was happening.

Unfortunately I know many people who feel that roughing it means they have to buy a less expensive brand of makeup - and by less expensive, they mean $19 instead of $25. They think things are hard when they have to eat at Shari's instead of Jeffrey's, and would never think of eating at McDonald's, let alone not eating out at all.

I think most people in the US today have no idea how to really tell the difference between needs and wants.


A Major Squash & Pumpkin Lover
Jul 11, 2008
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central WI
lwheelr said:
The wife of a former boss was complaining one day about how bad things were for their business. That they were unable to meet payroll, and were not sure how they would pay the rent. Things were pretty grim according to her discouraged outpouring. The next day, she made her usual hair appointment, for a cut and color job, costing over $150, and then on impulse, had a pedicure at the same time (and this was in the fall, sandal weather was definitely OVER by then so she spent $50 on feet that nobody else would even SEE!).

I just did not get how she could justify that kind of completely useless cost, when she was talking about having to go on food stamps to feed her kids! The $200 she spent that day would have bought two weeks worth of groceries for her family if she had spent wisely, at the time this was happening.

Unfortunately I know many people who feel that roughing it means they have to buy a less expensive brand of makeup - and by less expensive, they mean $19 instead of $25. They think things are hard when they have to eat at Shari's instead of Jeffrey's, and would never think of eating at McDonald's, let alone not eating out at all.

I think most people in the US today have no idea how to really tell the difference between needs and wants.
I would totally agree with all of this!

It's all relative. I keep us around $50/week on groceries due to a LOT of hard work all summer putting up/growing food. We buy nearly exclusively used clothes. We both work hard. We have 1 modest vacation every year to a neighboring state. Etc. So I sometimes feel like we don't have it that great compared to a lot of Americans. Then I remember how incredibly blessed we are! A nice house, 40 acres, health, 2 wonderful kids, etc. It's a lot how you look at it.

Now, if everything changed for us, it would hit me very hard. I LOVE our home and land. I am so attached to them. I don't believe it's about loving "stuff," but it would still be really hard for me to be willing to sell them and move to a trailer home. But, I guess I would do what I had to. In America, we're just used to having what we've always had or even moving up a bit.

It also helps me to remember how much of the planet doesn't even have food, potable water or housing. We are blessed.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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one thing tho---just cause someone owns a business doesn't mean their personal finances are in trouble. most self employed small biz owners keep their biz separate from their personal you just never know how well off "she" might be.

alot of small biz go belly up, have to let go workers, but the owners can still stay in tact personally.

My farm biz and home were totally separate. If I lost the farm biz etc it would never get to my personal situation, but that is past since I shut down the farm biz lol

but of course alot of times small biz have to put every penny into that biz and oh yea, they can suffer personally.

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