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El Presidente de Pollo
I think when I go to the ENT I'm going to get an allergy test done too. I haven't had blood work in a while either. I need to get it done again I guess.
We really can't avoid getting sick nowadays. even if we do everything we can not to. Just make sure you have a clean living, not too much though.So, for the last four months, I have been infected with strep throat constantly. I've tested positive four times in four months. I am a school teacher and that provides me plenty of exposure to pathogens. However, this is my second year and I didn't have it all last year. I'm currently sick with it again. Each time, I finish my antibiotics. I also clean my bathroom, bedroom, and other common areas really well. I wash my hands regularly and use hand sanitizer. I take a multivitamin and vitamin C supplement. However, I keep getting strep throat. My doctor is referring me to a specialist for a tonsillectomy. But, that'll be late May before I can do that. Any advice to help me before then?
I would advise against digging around in the back of the throat. Injury, even minor injury can result in systemic infection. Hubby shared an article about a man who died after repeatedly trying to dig a lodged bit of food out of his mouth with sharp objects. ...
I'm totally lost with all this doctor talk. But common sense tells me not to put a knife even a butter knife I'm my mouth, much less my throat. Yeah... I think, I'll leave that to sword swallowing circus freaks.
Momma didn't raise no fool.
Those steps are very essential, I hope you'll get the expected results soon. This will never happen to my coop, I will ensure that...I would say to start from the ground up. Nutrition, sleep, movement.
Since you say allergy testing, I'd suggest elimination diet to check for foods which don't agree with you. Start with the major food allergens and continue with food groups, like FODMAPS, legumes, nightshades, salicylates, oxalates, etc. **If** you are a person who has foods that don't sit well with you, the inflammation can have systemic consequences.
Consider if fasting is an option for you. Fasting between 24 - 48 hours can reset the immune system, but fasting over 48 hours can impair healing when already sick. You would need to do your research about if fasting is appropriate in your situation. If you can, fasting is a fast way to reboot the immune system.
It's very easy to have sub-clinical nutritional deficiencies with Standard American Diet. I would suggest doing everything you can to learn the newest generation of nutrition science and recommendation which hasn't hit USDA recommendations yet. I can recommend some resources if you're interested.
Movement/exercise boosts the immune system, and some say that exercise may flush bacteria and viruses from the lungs and airways.
Not getting enough restful sleep really cramps your immune system function, so this is another important arena for healing and disease prevention.
Start with the basics of nutrition, sleep, and movement. Do you have access to a D.O. instead of an M.D.? You might get an integrative approach. I'd be leery of surgery too.
I hope you guys are protected, the Ncov 19. we are in quarantine here in the Philippines. I hope everyone is doing good.gargle with light saline warm water.
alternate with 3:1 blend of hydrogen peroxide.
do you have sinus or dental problems?
(should i have warned you that this next part is kinda gross?hahaha...)
there are a few drainage tubes that come into the back of the throat and for some people those can get little chunks of food caught in them, which will then calcify over time, you can dig/pry/push them out with a butter knife if you can see them, get them out, this also contributes to bad breath.